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Third Person Pov•••

Sunoo and Jungwon talked throughout the whole class period, getting to know each other better. They found out they actually have a few things in common too.

"What lunch do you have?" Jungwon asked.

"Oh i have first lunch," sunoo replied. "Why?"

"Perfect! You can sit with me and meet my other friend!" Jungwon exclaimed.

"Oh, okay!"


Sunoo's Pov•••

Our class finally ended, and now I have to find my third class.

"Hey, Jungwon?"

"Hm?" he hummed.

"Sorry to ask but um, do you think you can show me where my next class is?" I ask shyly.

"Yeah of course!" Jungwon exclaimed. He then grabs my wrist and drags me out of the classroom.

"Can i see your schedule map?" He asks, so i hand my map to him.

"Okay let's go!" Jungwon says grabbing my wrist again to lead me to my next class.

We reach the classroom and i wave Jungwon goodbye, and enter the room. I look around and spot an empty seat in the corner where no one is sitting. I gladly make my way across the classroom to the corner and set all my stuff down.

As i wait for the class to start, i start to zone out a little bit.

"Looks like you made it here okay." Someone says in my ear.
I jump and look at the person. It was Sunghoon, centimeters away from my face.
My face flushed a deep red, and my ears start to heat up. Why is he so close to my face?!?!
He chuckles and sits in the desk next to mine, with another boy sitting right beside him seconds later.

Who is that?

"Is that the guy you were talking about earlier?" the guy whispers to Sunghoon, but i still hear it.

"Yes, shut up." Sunghoon whips his head around to the guy who's now laughing.

What are they talking about? Are they talking about me?

The teacher finally enters the classroom.

"Sorry i'm late class! Okay, let's get started!" Mr. Kim announced as he entered the room.
"Everyone open your textbooks to page 305."


"Okay, everyone listen up!" Mr. Kim calls out to our class.
"We will be doing a project! For this project you will have a partner!" He exclaims and everyone in the class start cheering.
"Ah ah! I get to choose your partners guys, sorry!" Mr. Kim shrugged, and the class was now filled with boos.
"Okay okay! For this project, you and your partner will have to spend a lot of time together and get to know each other, then you will both come up with a presentation about each other and what each of you like and don't like, then what you both have in common." Mr. Kim explained.

"Now! I will assign you guys' partners!" He claps.

The teach calls out names for the pairs, but my name hasn't been called yet.

"Now, Sunghoon and...." He starts, scanning his paper.
"Sunoo!" He finishes.

FUCK. Sunghoon??!? Of all people! It had to be Sunghoon?!???!!?

I slowly turn my head to Sunghoon whos smiling like an idiot now, laughing with the boy next to him. He turns his head to me.

"Let's do good on our project partner!" He says reaching his hand out for me to shake.
I reluctantly take his hand and shake it, rolling my eyes.

"Oh come on. Don't be like that partner." Sunghoon pouted.

"Stop that. That's so unattractive." The boy next to him teased.

"Shut the hell up Jay!" Sunghoon exclaimed.

So that guy's name is Jay?

"Hey! Don't speak to your elder like that!" Jay angrily said. Sunghoon just laughed at his reaction.

"Yeah, he's right. That really was unattractive." I added to the teasing.

"Oh now don't lie partner." Sunghoon said.

"My name is Sunoo!" I said annoyed.

"Alright..." He started. "Sorry, Ddeuno."

"It's Sunoo."

"Ddeuno suits you better."

"Oh my gosh." I rub my temples in annoyance.

"You really have a way at annoying people Sunghoon." Jay said, rolling his eyes.

"Nah," Sunghoon says, turning to me. "He likes it." He said winking at me.

My cheeks flush a light shade of pink. Can he stop it with the winking?!
I turn my head around to hide the blush.
Sunghoon just chuckles.

"See? Cute." He said to Jay.


Third Person Pov•••

It's time for lunch now, and Sunoo practically runs out of the classroom, searching for Jungwon. He reaches the lunch room, and looks around. He suddenly hears someone calling his name from behind him.

"Sunoo!" Jungwon called.

"Jungwon!" Sunoo called back, spinning around with a smile on his face.

"Come on! I want you to meet my other friend! I think you guys will get along great. He's over here!" Jungwon says, grabbing Sunoo's wrist and dragging him to aa further table.

"Okay! Sunoo, this is Niki! Niki, this is Sunoo!" Jungwon says pointing to a boy sitting at the table.

"Hi! I'm Niki!" the younger boy says, waving at Sunoo.
Sunoo sits down infront of Niki and Jungwon and they all start talking.

"Hey, so I was thinking," Jungwon starts.
"Me and Niki are going to go hang out after school. You should come with us!" He suggested.

"I would love to! If that's okay with Niki of course, since we just met." Sunoo says.

"Yeah of course! I would love to get to know you better Sunoo!" Niki said.

"Okay then yes!" Sunoo answered .

"Oh my gosh this is going to be so fun!" exclaimed Jungwon.

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