32 (Worry)

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Jungkook pov

"Jungkook! Where is Jin? I've made lunch."
"Don't know! I told him to have a bath."
"Go and tell him to come and have his lunch!" I nodded and went to his room. I shook my head as saw the clothes he was wearing on the floor.
"Look at this mess!" I went near his bathroom.

"Seokjin! Seokjin!"
"Yeah? Ohhhhhh!" I heard loud gigglings.
"Didn't I tell you put your clothes in your laundry basket?"
"No! Yeahhhhhh!" He said and giggled. I sighed and shook my head. Taking his clothes I took them to the laundry room and put them in his laundry basket!
"Look at these! He changes clothes every second!" I shook my head and started separating them in different machines by their colour.

"Madam Park? Madam Park?" After some time she came.
"Yes sir!"
"These are Seokjin clothes I don't know how turn the machine on." She chuckled and shook her head.
"Ahhh you are a father now you must learn these things." I looked at her as she went and looked at the clothes.
"Ah you haven't separated them in the right way! No no no!"
"Why? The white ones and black ones are in different ones and colourful ones together!" She chuckled.
"It is not just about the colours but materials too. These are cotton you must not put it along with jeans." She said and separated them.

"Ah how much dirty clothes he has?" I chuckled.
"He changed clothes second by second. He likes fashion!"
"This is not fashion but wasting! You must teach him this is not right! It becomes a habit of him and you will get in trouble with him."
"He is stubborn!"
"Just like his dad!" She said and looked at me with a smile.
"Madam Park!"
"I've raised you and I know you well! Seokjin is a copy of you with some of Jimin's features. He is nothing near his appa but you!" I chuckled.
"Then I must be proud that my son has my genes." She chuckled and shook her head.
"Go and tell him to come and have lunch! Your sister is all nagging!"
"Okkk!" I went back to his room and didn't find him.

"Seokjin! You still in the bathroom? What are you doing?"
"What do they do in the bathroom? I am washing!"
"It is an hour!"
"Yeahhhh!" I closed my eyes as heard him splashing and giggling. I opened the door and looked at him who was laying in the tub.

"Are you 15 or 5?" He tightened his brows.
"Ahhhh why did you come in-"
"I bathe like this! You didn't let me to have my complete bath at the hospital."
"It is an hour! More your are playing!"
"No not true I have to clean my body. Now go I will come!"
"Your aunt has made lunch!"
"Ok! But I won't guarantee I will be ready in half an hour later! I am slow in this!" He said and gave a tight lip smile. The ones that shows he doesn't want to listen. I sighed and went inside grabbing his arm.

"Ahhh what are you doing?"
"As you are slow in washing up yourself I will do it!"
"Ah no I'm not a baby!" I looked at him who had pouted lips.
"But you act like one! Your right arm!" I bagan washing his body.

"You know bathing is one of the times we can relax! I like it so much!"
"Left arm!" I held his left arm.
"What would they do before? Like 1000 years ago. They didn't have shower yeah?" I shook my head.
"No! I don't think so!" He shook his head.
"They didn't! Ohhh how dirty everything was. Ewe!" He said and made faces!
"I thought you wanna be a gentleman and act like one yeah?" He pouted.

"I want but I can't! You know like now how can I stop myself from expressing my sorry to the ones who lived without any facilities? You know we are so fortunate that are borned in a century with lots of facilities. Oh imagine there wasn't a bathroom! No no no! I cannot imagine myself all dirty. Noooo in that case they wouldn't be lots of clothes. Oh what am I saying? Dad there was no fashion weeks back then. It is a nightmare!"
"Well.....madam Park was speaking about this habit of yours! What is with changing clothes each second Seokjin?" I asked him and started washing his back.

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