21 (Dad)

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Author pov

Jin opened his eyes and looked all around. He sat on the bed as found he was in his room not the VIP room in the airport.

"Did she betray me and told the police? Ah no! I wanted to go to appa. I even paid for my ticket." He came out of the bed and ran outside. He ran toward the stairs. He was about to fall when was caught by his dad.
"I cannot take care of a sick person with broken legs and arms at the same time." Jungkook said and looked af him. Jin looked at him.

"What are doing here?"
"Wow! Nice way to greet your dad."
"You're not my dad!" Jungkook's expression changed as Jin said that. He bit his bottom lip.
"Let's fresh up and then we will spe-"
"I wanna go to appa!" Jin said with a stern voice.
"Madam Park has made you soup! You have fever-"
"I wanna go to my appa!" Jin said and stamped his foot on the floor. His eyes began glassy. He couldn't understand why Jungkook was acting like this. He was done with him and wanted to go back to his appa!
"I.....used to think I need you in my life! When would see my friends with their dads.....I would ask myself where is my dad? Do you know how does it feel when others' dads give them love but all my dad has for me is hate and hatred? You know how does it feel knowing your dad doesn't give a shit to you?" Jungkook looked at him.

"I wanna be.....in a place.....that the people there care for me. Where....where my father.....doesn't deny about me. Doesn't neglect me! Doesn't hurt me with his words." Jungkook wanted to hold Jin's hand but he shook his head.
"No! I don't wanna be here. Go! Go! I am sick of this. No matter what I do you hate me. But why? Why you are this unfair? I haven't done....anything!" Jin said tears streaming down his cheeks.

"Jin list-"
"I wanna go back to appaaaa! I don't wanna be here. You left me! I don't wanna be with you. I do-"
"I want you to be here!" He stopped as Jungkook said that. Jungkook puffed and closed his eyes.
"I know.....I know I was a jerk before and had done lots of wrong things but now I am here standing here telling you I want to be a father for you and give it a chance! Your appa is alway your appa but me......I am sure you yourself don't know what is my place in your life as I don't know as well. Being a father is not just.....just-"

"Being an sperm donor?" Jungkook looked at Jin.
"What kind of a way of speaking is this?" Jin pouted and started playing with his fingers. Jungkook sighed and shook his head.
"Go and fresh up! We will spe-"
"You said you wanna give it a chance. What you wanna do? I am not a baby that you fool me with candy an-"
"Seokjin go and fresh up then come down we will speak about it!"
"Why can't we sp-"
"Seokjin!" He pouted.
"Ok!" He said and rolled his eyes. He said and went up the stairs. Jungkook chuckled and shook his head.

Jin pov

"What he wanna speak about?" I sighed. Maybe he wants to bother me again.
"Was he sincere with the things he said?" I looked at my notebook.
"I know what to do!" I said and nodded. Coming out of the room I went to the living and found him smoking.

"Ahem!" I cleared my throat and coughed.
"You came?" I coughed again. I hate smoking. Why does he do whatever I hate? He chuckled and put his ciggarette down.
"Come on madam Park has made you soup."
"I'd rather to speak-"
"You will eat and we'll speak while you are eating!" He said and held my hand dragging me toward the dining room.
"Ah! No! I cannot eat and speak-"
"Seokiin!" I pouted and rolled my eyes.

"Madam Park bring Jin's soup!"
"Yes sir!" I cleared my throat.
"Ok I gave it thought that we can work on this disaster between us." He looked at me and sighed.
"Why do you speak as if I have commited a crime?"
"Haven't you?" He sighed.
"Ok what you wanna do?"
"We will write rules and we must do all them."

Author pov

"Ahhhhh! You poured alot of lemon in it!" Jungkook closed his eyes.
"You nag alot you know that?" Jin pouted.
"I thought we were going to speak about the rules."
"Ok what should we do?" Jin took his notebook out.
"Pick up a paper!"
"What? We must write them down so we won't forget. The both of us must write and sign them."
"Seokjin this is not a contract!"
"You're right cause it is more important than a contract!" Jungkook sighed deeply. He new well his son is not an easy child to handle and Jin had confirmed to him multiple times.

"Ok! What you wanna do?" Jin smiled.
"Here write down the rules and then we will discuss about them. We must know eachothers' perspective. You are my dad and I am your son our lives are connected so we must come to the same point in different things." Jungkook took the paper and a pen.

"Ok! For the first time stop being a fuck boy!" Jungkook narrowed his eyes.
"Excuse me?" Jin smiled and looked at him.
"I couldn't find a better word sorry if your felt offended. Ummm....let's say stop sleeping a-"
"Do you consider it is not the way you speak with your dad?"
"Do you consider it is not nice you sleep and flirt with whoever you see?" Jungkook sighed.

"What? I am right! Have you thought how would it effect me? This is not right you put your time on people who are not valuable and then I will be alone and neglected. Ah this is unfair. However I am completely ok if you wanna date and even marry! Somi is a good option here." Jungkook sighed and closed his eyes while Jin wrote down the first rule with a smile on his face.
"Alright for the second one you eill stop smoking! I hate it! Ok? Ok!"
"The third-"

"Why you just say the rules? For the third one you must stop speaking like this! Not just this but commenting here and there. Stop rolling your eyes and especially put a serious stop on reporting what happens to dad. I am 42 not a child that get punished with his dad! As for smoking it takes time. I will quit but need time you get it." Jin pouted.
"I get it and I will give you time. But what do you mean I give comments? I just say facts. Moreover you always do something to irritate me so I- ahhhh ok I won't don't look at me like that!" Jin said with pouted lips and rolled his eyes.

"Exactly this! You are too much stop rolling eyes for me here and there." Jin sighed.
"Ok! The next! You must be at home at 8."
"Excuse me?"
"What? This is my right! I am a child don't you want to take me out and speak with me about the day I had and help me with my assignment."
"I will take you out when it is needed. Moreover you do your asssignment well so I don't think you need my help." Jin pouted.

"True but.....I sometimes need your help. Appa would always do taht! Ahhh I wanna go to a-"
"Seokjin!" He pouted more.
"You don't come home some nights! I bet you are clubbing and sleeping around. I don't like it! You are my dad why can't you be like other dads?" Jungkook closed his eyes.

"I will try my best to come home soon! Not at 8 though you're not the one who puts time for me being out or at home. In fact this rule will be yours. You must be at home at 7:30 no matter where you are! Except your aunts' houses."
"What if I wanna have a sleep over in my friend's house?"
"Which friend?" Jin smiled.

"Taehyung! He is my classmate he is so nice an-"
"Seokjin you won't have any sleepovers at a boy's house. Matter a fact you cannot sleep over at you aunts' as well."
"Ahhhh this is unfair! You can stay put-"
"For the next-" Jin stood up with pouted lips.
"I will go to appa-"
"Put your ass on the chair and stop using your appa against me!" Jin sighed and plopped on the chair with tightened brows.

"I wonder how much energy you have! You are sick still you made all this drama and now this discussion." Jin didn't say anything but looked at Jungkook with narrowed eyes.
"Alright! You must inform me where you go and what you do when you are out. I must know about your whereabouts!"
"Same goes for you!" Jungkook looked at Jin.

"I am your dad!"
"I am your son nice to meet you!" Jungkook sighed.
"Seokjin you get it when I say I must know your where abouts it is cause I am your dad and get worry so I must know where you are to take a better ca- why are you crying?" Jin burst into tears and pouted.
"Jin!" Jungkook went to him and wiped his tears.
"Hey! What is this? Are you mad cau-"
"You.....really care for me?"
"Huh?" Jin hiccuped and wiped his tears.

"You said.....you become worry cause of me. You care for me?" Jungkook aighed and hugged him. He caressed Jin's back.
"You are my son! Seokjin I know things were a chaos but I cannot deny the fact that there's a bond between us. A feeling that I cannot deny it!" He cupped Jin's face and wiped his tears.

"Of course I do care for you! As stubborn as you are, the rude you can be and the trouble maker you are but you are my son! And I am your dad! I want you remember I always do care for you. Do you know what I felt when I heard you've gone? It was like a big pang came to my heart. I was not a good dad but wanna be one. Maybe not good enough but I wanna be a dad! Your dad! Seokjin's dad!" Jin hugged Jungkook and nuzzled his face in his neck. Jungkook smiled and caressed his hair.

"Thank you! Thank you dad!" Jungkook smiled. It was the very first time he was feeling this way when Jin called him dad.

Heyyyyyy! Did you like it? Hope you enjoy!😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉

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