17 (Want to)

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Jin pov

I looked all around the school! I pouted.
"I missed my friends!" I sighed and took my juice which was placed in my lunch box.
"Hey!" I turned and looked at the boy who called me. He gave a boxy smile and stood in front of me. 
"I am Taehyung! We sit next to eachother." I smiled and nodded.
"I remember you! I am-"
"Seokjin! I remember you." I smiled.
"Ummm.....can I sit here? I thought maybe you feel alone as you've just entered here and you know!"
"Sure! Here sit!" He smiled and sat beside me.

"Want some cake? Madam Park has made. Me and my cousins love her cakes they are the best!" He took some.
"Hmmmm.....it is so delicious. I usually don't eat others' cooking as my mom is the best cook but this is so delicious." I smiled.
"Have some more!" He smiled.
"So you've just come from States?" I nodded.
"I used to live there with my appa but then come here and now live with my dad."
"Oh they have got divorce?"
"Kinda! They broke up when they were engaged. But they had me. Appa married with someone else but my dad's single."
"Oh! Sorry! It must difficult." I shook my head.

"Well.....I don't know nothing's difficult for me. It is more complicated you know!" He nodded.
"My parents got separated too. I was little back then 5 years old! Now I live with my mom and spend my weekands with my dad."
"Oh so your life is a mess too." He chuckled.
"Kinda! You know the part that you feel like a ball being passed between them is so hard." I sighed.
"I don't know about this as I was with my appa till now and right now am with my dad. At least I have a stable place to live." He nodded.

"The man who brought you....he was old I don't think he wa-"
"He was my grandpa! He is so kind and loves me so much." He smiled.
"I figured out he cannot be your dad."
"He is my dad!" I took the photo I had of him with me.
"Oh! He is handsome." I smiled.
"You are alot like your dad." I giggled and nodded.
"My appa says too! Look look!" I showed the spot on my right palm.
"Me my dad and grandpa have the same spot here."
"Wow! Really?" I nodded.

"Ummm.....we can be friends then you can come to our home I'll show you then." He nodded.
"Yes we can be friends! Here add your phone number."

Suho pov

"Didn't know you will figure out he is not my responsibility this soon." I shifted my head and looked at Jungkook. He smirked and winked.

"Well.....I must say I had forgotten you always let go of your responsibilities but last night you reminded me. Thank you for it though! You reminded how irreponsible you are toward the things and the ones who are your responsibility!"
"Dad!" I looked at him.

"What? You don't want Seokjin as your son and don't want to take his responsibility! Alright I will do that he is my grandson eventhough doing this is wrong as you never ever will learn how to be responsible but what should I do? That child is under presure and stress I have to ease it! It is not healthy at his age." He chuckled.
"He is under pressure and stress? What about me?" I stood up and came out of my room.

"Have you thought how I feel? Suddenly this big responsibility pops up! Not just this but learning the one you trusted has hidden this important matter from you. Dad you know me I never wanted to have a child and was ready for it. Now this boy, a 15 year old boy comes telling he is my son while I am fucked up with my own life. Do you know how does it feel? I even cannot understand him I cannot see him as my son!"
"You don't want to!" I said and faced him.

"What do you mean I haven't been there when he was borned-"
"If you want.....you can bond! The problem is you don't want to."
"No! I don't want this entire thing! Containing his existence!" He said and went to his office. I sighed and closed my eyes.
"What should I do?"

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