🎈inosuke, giyuu🎈

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anonymous request on tumblr: Can we have some separate headcanons for yandere Inosuke and yandere Giyuu reacting to someone harassing their s/o, please?


-he'd make no secret out of his anger, neither would he try to hide it

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-he'd make no secret out of his anger, neither would he try to hide it

-as soon as you got harassed you could almost feel the ground shaking from Inosukes angry steps raging towards you

-he'd need to be held down by several people to make him stop beat the asshole

-you'd have a hard time to get him out of that situation and back home

-all the way back he'd curse the fucker out and mumble angry things under his breath

-after the act he put on and the general situation he wouldn't hold your hand on the way back home like he usually did

-he just thinks you wouldn't want him to so when you wonder why he wouldn't take your hand and just take his, his heart would skip a beat

-if you got scared by his behavior or expressed your worry over him he'd apologize

-like, deeply apologize (gifts, hugs, kisses, maybe even tears)things would go back to normal quickly though, the both of you continuing your life together soon


-it is calm before a storm, and god is giyuu calm

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-it is calm before a storm, and god is giyuu calm

-he politely declines the stranger, pissing the person off even more when giyuu roasts him with no emotions

-again and again giyuu asks him to get lost, to leave you alone he'll have a loud, clear voice, attracting the other peoples attention

-soon a small crowd will form around giyuu,you and the man other people will join in, telling the man to leave

-everyone will soon separat once more and on the way home giyuu will build you up emotionally again he'll reassure you that everything will be fine now, that there is no truth in what the stranger said to you and that he had no right to do what he did

-of course you'll still sometimes catch yourself thinking about the encounter throughout the day and each time giyuu catches you doing so he'll take your attention somewhere else

-if nothing else happens with the stranger and you anymore, this will be it

-if it does however, giyuu will take more drastic actions if the stranger dares to go even too close to you, a wrist will be painfully twisted and whimpers will echoe through the streets

-it's clear though that he neither you will be in that pain if a stranger decides to interfere giyuu will justify himself with the events that happened before with the stranger and you he'll twist the asses wrist a bit more before pushing the person away by it and grabbing you

-he'll bring you home, no matter what the two of you had planned for the day and no matter how much you protest only when he's 100% sure you're absolutely alright he'll let you go outside with him again and the earliest this will be is the next day

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