Special Chapter 5

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It took awhile for First and Fong to get together.

Not that First didn't find Fong attractive the moment he walked into the law office where he once worked.

Of course he did. Anyone with any sort of vision could tell that man was cute.

Very few people would have the courage to tell a highly decorated police detective and former athlete with a constant snarl that he was cute.

But First is not most people.

And he told Fong exactly that even before the poor man could open his mouth and discuss a felony case with him. He was cuter when he was flustered.

Despite First being flirty and Fong being immediately smitten, things took years before it became anything serious. And a couple more before they finally tied the knot in Luxembourg.

This was mostly because First was wary of love and relationships. Flirting was fine. Friendship was fine. But that was all he could offer. No intimacy. No commitments.
All those brought around were war flashbacks.

He was married once before. Well, almost married. He lived with Vero for 8 years.
Vero was kind and caring and passionate. Until one day he wasn't. Until one day he cheated.

First caught him. Vero pleaded for forgiveness.

They tried very hard to make it work but it ultimately dwindled into nothingness.
Vero was repentant and did everything he could to win back First. But there was a divide none of them could seemingly bridge.

It got worse as time passed. There was two years where they would not even kiss - just a short peck on the lips to bid each other farewell before work. There were days of separation due to one thing or another and First would feel relieved to find the house empty instead of sad. They stopped longing for each other. There were even days when Vero would ring to check in and First would find himself counting seconds before the conversation would end.

When the call of flesh would rear its head, First would find himself preferring his own company to Vero's flesh. Hell, he'd even choose sleeping the desire away than initiating anything. Vero never initiated either.

He thought Vero was his great love.
But he wasn't. And if that was all love was then First decided he didn't want it, all he wanted was freedom. He did not want more pain. And he did now want to cause anyone else pain anymore.

So of course it messed with him how much Fong affected him. The man was never pushy. Never asking for more. He tried to kiss First only once. And when First moved away, he never tried again. He respected First's walls but despite that he was also unknowingly breaking them down.

First felt for him all the things he thought he'd never feel. He felt for him things he had never felt for a human being before.

And years of just being friends didn't change those feelings but deepened them.

He denied it.

He ignored it.

He outright lied about it.

But one summer they were on vacation in Europe "as friends". They were doing an amazing job pretending.

Until they got caught in a rainstorm in some random sleepy village in Italy. They were trapped at some cafe slash inn.

They were soaked to their bones without a change of clothes and only a credit card and a few bills. Except credit cards don't really work when there is no electricity.

It should have been a nightmare for a control freak like First. Should have been absolutely stressful for someone who didn't like inconvenience and sudden changes.

But it was one of the best nights of First's life.

He was laughing so much he was snorting

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He was laughing so much he was snorting.
Fong convinced him to play in the rain.
Made him feel like sharing a baguette and a coffee were the height of luxury.

And that night, as they shared the only room they could afford in that small inn - First finally cast away his past because he understood then that Fong was his future.

First crossed the room towards the man preparing a pillow and a blanket on the floor, grabbed his waist and kissed him.

Fong gasped. But then smiled into First's lips. Good things come to those who wait. And there was no good greater than First.

It was only after their wedding that Fong told First that right after that night at the inn, he started looking for a ring.

It took one kiss for Fong to know.
In retrospect, First knew before Fong. That's why he kissed him after all.

He understood waiting.
He understood being ready.
He understood forever is something one should not take lightly.

But he also knew that eventually, love has to be brave.

That's why he was with Fong now, looking at diamonds. Comparing them with amethysts. Deciding if stones were even necessary.

Because sometimes bravery comes from community.

Kavin should know he has their support.

You see it in his eyes.
In that small smile that plays on his lips.
In the lightness of his step.

He was ready to tell Thyme.

He was ready for their story to begin.

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