Chapter 15

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"I would rather bleed to death than remove my pants."

Thyme rolls his eyes. Wasn't he supposed to be the brat in this friendship? "That is precisely what will happen if you keep acting like a baby."

"I have trained with the FBI, took a course with the Royal Thai Navy, and turned down an offer from the CIA. I am anything but a baby."

"Only babies can't take off their own clothes. Therefore you are one."

"Why the hell do I have to remove my pants?!," exclaims Kavin. The outburst depletes the last of his energy. He slumps backwards.

Thyme's brows crease with worry. He comes closer and lays a hand on Kavin's cheek then his forehead. No fever yet. Yet being the operative word. "Vin, please. You say we can't go to the hospital and we cannot contact the Chief. I am following your commands here but you can't expect me to just watch you bleed to death."

"Can't you just check the wound?"

"So instead of just removing your pants, you want me to rip it apart?"

"Fucking leave my clothes alone bro."

"Goddamit Vin. I am calling an ambulance."

"Are you insane?"

"I am not the one with a gun shot wound and refusing treatment."

"If you call an ambulance, those goons will track us and we'll be dead."

"If you let yourself bleed to death you'll be dead. I don't see the difference in outcome."

"One of us would still be alive."

"Really? You think watching you die won't kill me?" Thyme starts pacing the bedroom in frustration. "I never knew how little you thought of me Vin. No wonder it was so easy for you to leave me then."

"Thyme no -"

"You think I am such a bad person that I would be okay just letting my friends die as long as I am alive? You think I am such a psychopath that you could bleed to death and I'd shrug my shoulders and call it a day? You think I am not dying of worry as we speak? You think -"

Kavin Kittiyangkul threw his belt in Thyme's direction stopping the other's rant short. He then painstakingly slithers out of his pants, ignoring the self-consciousness that was creeping out of his skin.

"Happy now?," he croaks before slumping his weight on the pillows Thyme had propped up behind him.

This was the height of humiliation. It was bad enough he needed to be bride carried home. Now, he was almost naked, bleeding, and completely in the mercy of Thyme's ministrations.

Thyme approaches him and appraised his leg. "I don't know what the big deal is. I have seen boxers before Vin."

"Just check the wound," Kavin says, looking away. Not quite sure how to survive Thyme dropping to his knees right in front of him.

Why did he go get himself shot in the leg?
Couldn't they have just aimed for his arm? He was going to catch that trigger-happy goon and strangle him.

"It looks like the bullet just grazed your thigh," Thyme says, slowly enveloping Kavin's upper thigh in the palm of his hand. He very carefully stretches the skin to properly see the wound, make sure there was really no bullets nor shrapnel.

Thyme was overwhelmingly relieved that the wound on Kavin's strong muscular leg was not as serious as it could have been. Well, not that serious for a gunshot wound rather. But the knowledge of Vin being safe didn't stay the anger coursing through him - how dare anyone make his Kavin bleed.

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