Chapter 11

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Boss deserved to be fucking paid better.
Remind him to bill Kavin double his usual rate. Because apparently his services now included baby sitting two grown men.

It was way past their intended deadline and it had been impossible to contact the detective or that rich boy. Boss didn't want to meddle with something beyond his pay grade but Kavin was a good man in addition to being a consummate professional - being late wasn't like him at all.

Once too much time had passed for his comfort, Boss tried tracking Kavin's phone, mind racing with every dangerous possibility. Kidnapped? Tortured? Killed?

The reality that greeted him as he stormed one of the Kittiyangkul estates was worse - the detective and his partner were dead drunk.

Two hours before a meeting with one of the most dangerous cartels in the world and these two assholes couldn't even walk straight. Boss should have guessed it from that inexplicable video they sent that they were hammered beyond belief. It was a miracle no one has vomited on anything.

So now here he was acting like some James Bond mother hen.
Dragging two grown men into the shower,  dragging their soaking wet asses into the bedroom, injecting them with adrenaline, ordering them to drink the hydration liquid, and demanding they be dressed in 15 minutes or less if they wanted to live.

After all of that bullshit, Boss was finally doing what he was actually paid to do - fixing Kavin and Thyme's phone and internet history. Never has he been more glad to be typing away on a keyboard. Screens over humans any day of the week.

- - -
Thyme's looks at the glass filled with brown liquid warily. It was supposed to make him feel better but it looked like it was going to make him more sick. If that was at all possible.

He groans, grabs the glass, and chugs the contents. He closes his eyes, praying that the liquid did not go back up. With one final grimace he opens his eyes again. The difference was dramatic. He felt like a fifteen-year-old who had eight hours of sleep.

Thyme hurries to the living room. They have two hours left now and there was still so much to be done before he could go home and dress for the dinner. He did not want to die before dessert was served.

Kavin was already there, looking at his phone.

"There you are," Boss says. He gestures to Thyme's phone on the table. "Go through your phone quickly as I take you through the basics. It's up to both of you to fill in the details. I don't know how nosy the people you're trying to fool are but given the time I'd stick to the usual questions - when did you start dating, who asked who out, when's the anniversary and most importantly why is Kavin suddenly back in Thailand."

Thyme flips through the fabricated photos and messages. His cheeks heat as he sees photographs of them kissing, he sneaks a peek at Kavin and sees nothing on his face. Thyme lets out a breath and tells himself he should be the same - why should any of this affect him? It was a show, Olga needed to be affected not him.

It was as if thinking about her, summoned her. Thyme's phone begins to ring, Olga's name flashing prominently on the screen.

Thyme shoots Kavin and Boss an anxious glance and takes a deep breath. "Olga! What's up? Are we still on for tonight?" A part of him was hoping Olga was canceling the dinner for some crime emergency.

"Thyme darling, of course we are! I was actually calling to ask you where my driver should fetch you and your delicious boyfriend?"

"Fetch us? Olga, we can drive there no problem. I am sure our cars can fit in your driveway."

"Cars? You and Kavin don't share a car?"

A slight pause. "Well, we will be coming from different places and -"

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