Chapter 23

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Admit it. Everyone forgot about Boss.

Which is to be expected. Behind-the-scenes operatives are usually out of sight, out of mind.

But that didn't mean Boss wasn't aware of everything happening on Mount Riesgo.

He was painfully aware.

Having tapped into the multitude of cameras in Olga's hideout, he had the heart wrenchingly vivid seats to his friends and colleagues getting picked off one by one like bugs.

He was doing everything in his power to help - powering down devices he could hack into, delaying Olga's jet by messing with the GPS and so on.

But all his efforts contributed to nothing.

And now, he had to watch his dearest friend die in the hands of the man he loves. And if by some miracle, Kavin could wake Thyme up, there was an electronic bomb to contend with.

It seemed like there was no way out.

Olga was going to win.

Boss hit his head on his computer table over and over.

He cannot just give up.

He cannot.

Sixty seconds to go.

All he needed was one Hail Mary.

He raises his head and catches a glimpse of himself on one of his screens. A ring of coffee from his messy table stamped itself on his forehead.

His eyes light up.

The ring! The motherfucking ring!

Would this work? Who knew? But Boss was willing to give it a try.

He started hacking into the tracker ring he hoped to God Kavin was still wearing.

But what was he going to do when he got in?

Alright Boss. Think. There's nothing we can do about robo-Thyme but maybe there is something we can do about that bomb.

Is there anything in the ring that can become a weapon? A signal blocker? Fucking hell. Why didn't I just place a goddamn electromagnet laser rocket - electromagnets...A strong enough electromagnetic pulse can depower the bomb! But the ring is so small...would it be enough to...

Boss glances at the timer and curses. No time to second guess his plan. He gets to typing.

Reconfiguring the ring to give off the strongest electromagnetic pulse it could muster as he said a prayer.

Boss hasn't prayed this hard in years.

And perhaps this time the frequently indifferent gods decided to listen.

Because do you know how Olga's bioweapon works?

The simple answer is: nanobots. Liquid nanobots to be exact. Microscopic robots altering the blood and brain chemistry of its hosts.

You don't need to read the thousands of pages of literature on nanobots.

All you need to know is that electromagnets affect them too.

Except if they're inside you. If they're swimming in your guts - under muscle, fat and skin - how can a pulse outside of your body even begin to help?

Don't be ridiculous - of course it wouldn't do a thing.

Except , if there was a conductor inside you.

Something that will the suck the pulse inside your body and electrocute you from within.

Something like a motherfucking USB flash drive.

The electromagnetic pulse emits from Kavin's ring. It is magnified by the digested USB.

Those plus the hand of the gods do the trick.

The nanobots deactivate.
And Thyme is free.

The bomb however is too strong to be overpowered by EMPs.

It goes off but by the time it does, the two men Boss tried to save are in the man made luxury stream. Currents carrying them to a nearby river.

They are soaked to the bone.
Bloodied and bruised.
Starving and freezing.

But they are alive.

Finally, finally in each other's arms.

And Olga may have planned this diabolical scheme down to the very last stitch but that woman was no match for the will of the divine.

Kavin and Thyme were going to survive this.

Then they're going to make that two-faced peroxide blonde satan in heels pay.

(Boss will accompany them of course.
Let's not forget him again. )

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