Chapter 25

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The Czar of Russia listens with rapt attention. The Chinese Prime Minister is focused and unwavering. The dictator of the Philippines has an excited glint in his eye.

There is a unique and palpable excitement in the air - one that can only be brought about by the joy of destruction.

And in the middle of this brewing storm was the one and only Olga Federova.

She was glowing, the attention of the world's most powerful making her feel indestructible.

They were clamoring for her. Ready to risk it all for what should could offer.

As they should. She was offering them the world after all.

She claps her hands together and the gallery grows dark. The hall now looks like a theater. On screen is live footage of the UN Conference Center - the stage for her puppet show.

Here they were all gathered to watch her truth serum in action. The plot? Watch as the dashing deputy chief of police assassinates the President of Norway in broad daylight.

Exciting isn't it? Olga is sure it's going to be a blockbuster hit.

"Is there popcorn?," one of the oligarchs ask out loud.

Olga chuckles. Maybe she should have some popcorn made.

After all, this was going to be one hell of a show.

- - -

Fong Thanawat strolled into the UN Conference Center without opposition. Most recognized him as the deputy chief and those who did not could clearly see the all-access security badge pinned to his suit and gave him berth.

He walked with purpose, making his way through corridors

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He walked with purpose, making his way through corridors. Nothing about him seemed amiss. Except if anyone would take a closer look, they'd see the bandages still wrapped around his torso peeking through his button down. And if they'd look closer still they'd see Fong's eyes were completely glassed over.

He made his way into the elevators and pressed the button for the penthouse floor. He steps out and at once ten bodyguards block his path, hands on their waists just centimeters away from their guns.

Fong doesn't even blink before he shoots liquid filled darts into the 4 nearest men.
Almost immediately those men turn around and use their weapons on their fellow bodyguards. They did try to defend themselves but it was too late before they could understand what was happening.

Fong and his 4 new allies continue down the hall. Just a few more steps and they would be in the Norwegian delegation's room. Just a few more steps and their bloody mission would be fulfilled.

There was no one to stop -

The glass ceiling above crashes and shards rain on the men below.

Fong staggers backwards, caught completely unaware. Glass hits his skin and for a brief moment he gets disoriented, not knowing where he is.

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