Chapter 3

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"It is the law that you come with me to the precinct," Kavin says, exasperated. He did not miss arguing with the stubborn Thyme at all.

"I am not going anywhere with you. How dumb do you think I am?"

"Do you really want me to call for backup?"

Thyme laughs. "Vin, we both know there is no backup. I am not going to voluntarily go to prison for you. Just leave me alone."

"I need the evidence you swallowed. And I need to know what you know. Go with me so I can properly interview you."

Thyme stands up from the floor and proceeds to fix his chair and his desk. "What the hell happened to you Vin? Since when have you been this heartless? You really think I'm a fucking criminal?"

Of course Kavin thought no such thing. But that's not how being a detective worked. He didn't get where he was because he relied on feelings. "I have to follow the evidence Thyme. And it lead me to your doorstep . Besides, don't give me this whole innocent boy act. We were both thugs back in the day."

Thyme wants to throw a pen at Kavin. "You're really going to compare high school stupidity to crime?"

"The three artists you exclusively handle are all part of a Russian drug cartel, how can I just ignore that, Thyme? I have to think like a detective now, not your best friend."

"You haven't been my best friend in years."

That stung Kavin. It shouldn't have but it did. Not that he could act hurt, he was the one who left everyone behind and never looked back. "And you have ties to a drug ring. No shit things are different now."

"Do you have Google? Do Ho Guh, Lee Sueng and Olga Fedorova are the hottest artists right now. They showcase at the Louvre, Kanye West buys their paintings, NAMJOON is on Olga's waiting list. What kind of gallery owner would turn them away?"

"Aren't you curious? If they're that big why do they exclusively deal with you?"

"Oh! So the only reason anyone would want me to represent them is crime? It can't be because am fucking good at what I do?"

Thyme crowds Kavin as he says this, fists balled in anger. Kavin tries to defuse the situation by taking a step backward but he soon finds himself against a wall, Thyme's angry face very close to his. They were so close that Kavin could feel Thyme's ragged breath and count his long eyelashes.

Years of combat training escape Kavin, his first impulse was to close his eyes in anticipation. Anticipation of a punch. Let's be clear here.

But instead, Kavin feels something vibrate against his hip. This is followed by a sharp ring.

Anger momentarily forgotten, Thyme steps away and takes the phone out of his pants pocket. His eyebrows furrow as he sees the name on the screen.
What weird timing.

Kavin silently motions with his hands for Thyme to answer the call and put it on speaker. Thyme does as he's told.

"Olga! How are you babe?"

Kavin's eyebrows sky rocket and Thyme motions for him to stop reacting.

"Thyme sweetie! Calling to ask if everything is on track for the auction of Silver Dragon? No hiccups?"

"Everything is great! We're all set. for next week. Don't tell me the great Fedorova is nervous?"

"Well, you see, my little birdies tell me there are police in your gallery. Bad for my image if there is any crime associated with my work," comes the heavily accented, too syrupy response.

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