Special Chapter 1

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Warning: NSFW????

Thyme promised Kavin he'd take it slow. And he had been a man of his word. Nothing was rushed. Nothing was sudden. He honored Kavin's wishes and moved languidly but with purpose. Pushing and pulling ever so gently until Kavin could say without a doubt that he was ready.

Oftentimes, the words you've just read are a metaphor.

But at this moment, they were as literal as could be.

Thyme's lips were moving against the taut flesh of Vin's neck, slow and worshiping. Taking his time to cover every square inch. Kavin's breath would hitch every now and then and it makes Thyme use his tongue to lick as well as kiss.

His hands are also taking their sweet time, caressing skin as if it were breakable art, stopping always a hair away from Kavin's nipples.

Kavin's back arches and he whispers: "Please. Please."

"Are you sure?", was the warm whisper in his ear before Thyme's mouth covered his. Even the little bites Thyme leaves on Kavin's lips are done so gently and slowly, Kavin was sure he was going to lose his mind with anticipation.

"Yes. Please," he whispers again, words being eaten by the pants escaping his mouth.

Thyme's hand reaches higher and caresses the waiting pink mound. Kavin moans and it grows louder when Thyme's tongue finds his other nipple.

And oh my God even now he was moving so slow. Like a paintbrush doing detail work, feather light and careful. Touching and flicking with the smallest amount of pressure.

Yes it felt good. It felt great. It felt like being lit on fire. Every nerve in Kavin's body alive and alert and pining. But he doesn't know how much longer he could stay at the edge like this - no release.

He pulls Thyme's hair roughly and pushes the man upwards. He kisses him, hungrily. Fingers making quick work of Thyme's shirt and his pants. He reaches for Thyme's boxers and that is when he is pushed away.

"No," Thyme says. "We aren't in a hurry."

He slips out of all his clothes before gently pushing Kavin back down against the soft head rest.

Kavin's eyes drank in the sight before him. Strong pecs, muscular thighs, every curve on those biceps, that belly button dotting the head of Thyme's...

His thoughts disintegrate as Thyme moves back on top of him, fingers slowly pulling and circling his nipples. Sounds escape his lips.

"Do you have anywhere else to be today?," Thyme asks. "Are you on a schedule?"

Kavin shakes his head no, unable to speak because of Thyme's fingers.

"Then let me take my time Baby. Let me do this to you all day."

Thyme's neck bends towards Kavin's ear, tongue sweeping it then his jaw.

His hands eventually leave Kavin's chest and travel lower. But not low enough.

Once in awhile a knuckle would graze Kavin's desire. Once in a while a finger would attempt entry into his now damp boxers.

Impatient, Kavin tugs at his own underwear to take the damn thing off.

But Thyme catches his hands and pins them over his head. The action brings Thyme's knee between Kavin's thighs and embarrassed as he may be to admit it later Kavin starts to rub against it and shivers run up and down his spine.

"What are you doing Baby?," Thyme asks in a soft voice in between kissing Kavin's swollen lips.

"Take it off, Thyme. I want it off."

"But it's not yet time."

"Fuck you and your time. Take it off now," Kavin growls.

Thyme's lips dip into Kavin's underarms and climbs into his straining biceps. "Are you sure?"

"Yes," Kavin hisses.

"Say please."

"Fucking hell, Thyme."

Thyme wordlessly bends his leg forward, his skin flattening into Kavin's boxers and ever so slightly he moves his knees up and down.

Kavin starts to pant. That small movement making him see stars.

He takes Thyme's fingers into his mouth and starts to suck. Thyme moans and Kavin begs. "Please. Please. Thyme Babe please."

Thyme acquiesces. He moves downward and using his teeth carefully drags down the fabric Kavin was so eager to remove. His warm breath blows on Kavin's skin and the latter moans again. More desperately. More shamelessly.

Once the fabric is off and away.
It is Thyme's breath that now hitches.

The gods clearly have favorites because who the fuck had the right to look as Kavin did?

That angelic handsome face. Those perfectly formed pecs. Those washboard abs. That pelvic bone that jutted and showcased all of him - all of his beautifully erect desire.

For a moment Thyme didn't want to take it slow anymore.

He wanted to ravage the man before him.
Mark his skin with sucks and bites. Spread him open and devour all of him.

But Thyme made a promise.
And Thyme is a man of his word.

He looks into Kavin's eyes and sees the wild desire swirling, he sees the desperate plea for him.

He smirks.

And very slowly he makes Kavin cry out his name.

Over and over and over.

Thyme will take his time.
Thyme will take all of Kavin.

- - -
Author's Note:


Remember when I said I was busy. Well, I am and this is called procrastination.

I hope you enjoyed 😉

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