Chapter 21

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"Kiss me," Olga commands.
Thyme bloodied and bruised and held back by guards is suddenly released.
He staggers upwards from the chair they bound him in making his way towards his tormentor.

The guards are visibly uneasy about letting this captive near their boss but Olga is unfazed by Thyme's steady motion

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The guards are visibly uneasy about letting this captive near their boss but Olga is unfazed by Thyme's steady motion.

He reaches her and at once his palm shoots to her neck, his thumb on her windpipe.

The guards raise their weapons but Olga signals them to stand down. Her smirk remains as Thyme bends down

then presses his mouth on hers.

He tasted of blood, sweat, and motor oil. His tongue as warm as his lips.

Thyme begins to pull away when Olga whispers "Worship me, Thyme." She points to her neck, her cleavage, her ears.

And without hesitation Thyme does as he is told.

Mouth on her skin, hands trailing a path from her thigh to her waist.

Olga laughs as she grabs Thyme's hair, forcing him to look at her.
She laughs more as she lets his head go and at once his lips go back to ravishing her.

Tongue dipping into her chest almost finding her nipples despite her dress.
Hands in her slit, grazing the lace of her underwear.

But that was enough of a show.
There was work to be done.

"Stop," she commands. And Thyme does. He takes a step backwards and stands in attention.

She regards him.
Handsome as ever she muses.
She takes in the ever haughty gait, the defiant mouth but what makes her feel triumphant are those eyes.

There was nothing in them.
Glassy. Detached. Subservient.
None of that illogical fire it held upon Thyme's capture.
He belonged to her now.

Whether he wanted to or not - Olga owned Thyme.

Lee Seung. Wei Chen. Thyme Paramaanantra.

Under her thumb. Under her heel. Under lock and key.

And they were just the beginning.

Soon she was going to own the world.

- - -

Kavin is bruised and beaten

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Kavin is bruised and beaten.
But fighting.
Pain and fatigue meant nothing to him now.
He was grossly outnumbered but he was moving like he was an army instead of one person.

He kicks a shin before he kicks a belly. He lands a punch on a jaw then an elbow to a rib cage.
He has taken over their guns, maimed them with their own bullets. He took their knives and their bats and crushed them with it.

He is sure blows are landing on his body but he can no longer feel them.
All he feels is white hot rage.

Sometimes helplessness would rear its ugly head like when Olga's men carried the bleeding bodies of Fong and First away but it would be quickly be burned away by Kavin's anger.

There was nothing left in him but fire.

He was determined to defeat every one of this fuckers then rip the still beating heart from Olga's chest.
That is if she had a heart.
And if she did not, then he would claw through her ribs until her innards were nothing but ribbons in his hands.

Olga admired Kavin's determination.
It entertained her.
But she had little time left for this.
World leaders await after all.

"Kavin dearest, I think we need a little break don't we? I mean, you must be tired and quite frankly I have a jet to catch."

"You are not leaving here alive."

"How cute! I certainly am leaving here alive. It's you who's going to die here. Fancy tomb, don't you think? You do deserve to go out in style."

"I will stop you then I will kill you."

"Stop me? Kavin. Come on. You don't even know what I am up to." She laughs manically before clapping her hands.

Kavin could see red dots all over his body. Little pinpricks of light dancing on every surface of his skin.

"Your gumption is out of this world. But the thing is no amount of fight was actually going to make you win. It was fun to watch you try. Sexy to see you bleed. But I could have discarded you any time I wished. You are no match for me Kavin Kittiyangkul. We're not even playing the same game."

"You know villains who talk too much? They lose in the end."

Olga giggles. "Awww babe. This isn't a movie. Tell you what? I am going to talk a little more okay? Just to prove you wrong." She toys with her necklace.

"You won't get away with this bitch."

Olga rolls her eyes. "Get away with what Kavin? Come on tell me. What am I doing?"

"Money laundering and-"

"Money laundering?! Oh my god. Men really do underestimate women. You ignorant imbecile. I am selling the most powerful weapon in the world. Not only am I selling it, I am manufacturing it. Every country, every super power will be eating from the palm of my hands from this day forward. I am untouchable."

"Lies. We scanned every inch of every object you have even looked at and nothing has a nuclear signature. You are bluffing and your beloved heads of state will execute you when they find out."

"Nuclear signature? How primitive. I am not dealing in nuclear weapons. I am selling mind control. Bending anyone and everyone to my will."

"That's not possible at- "

"Wei Chen was a test drive. And you saw how well that worked, right? It would have gone perfectly if not for your meddling. But no matter, I can just do another test case.
How much do you think a vial fetches Kavin? How much do you think cartels and presidents and billionaires would pay for a jab of my weapon into their target's skin?"

Kavin is ashen. Not knowing if he could believe the words coming out of Olga's mouth.

Olga smirks, reveling in his silence. "You know your villains? It's not the speech that gets them. It's the lack of fucking planning. See, I won't be here long after I say the last word."

"I thought you were going to kill me? What was that then an empty threat?" It was foolish to push Olga but Kavin was beyond logic. He was desperate to buy time, to get the chance to end her.

"Oh, you are going to die. But I never said I was doing the killing."

A beep sounds. A door opens.

And from behind Olga emerges Thyme.

He's okay. He's alive. My Thyme is alive! Kavin wanted to run into his arms.

But before he could even utter his name, Thyme wraps an arm around Olga's waist. Dips his head into her neck.

Kavin blanches. Feels himself turn into stone.

"Kill him Thyme," Olga commands. "Kill Kavin for me."

Thyme takes a dagger from his waistband and walks towards Kavin. "Kill."

- - -
Author's Note:
Happy new year everyone!
So main story is ending in 3-4 more chapters but because this IS still a romcom, special chapters will follow.

Thank you so much for reading!
Good night everyone 😘

I knew the Side By Side pics would come in handy. 🤣

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