Chapter 14

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They were hidden in the shadows. Camouflaged in the dark surrounding them.
They waited til nightfall to come back to the house, deciding it would be safer.
Thyme felt the weight of the Glock 42 by his belt. Kavin had loaned him the small weapon just in case and though Thyme was grateful to have it, it signified the clear danger they were walking into.
It was stupid to worry about Kavin. Of the two of them, he is clearly more equipped to go head to head with the cartel. But Thyme has never been levelheaded. Especially not when it came to his best friend. Even if said best friend was currently annoyed that he insisted to be part of this reconnaissance.

A quick call to Boss confirmed that the ring was still operational and was within Olga's mansion. Chief Fong had been alerted but could not send back up since it would definitely raise suspicions if there was an increase in police activity within the vicinity. 

The plan they agreed on was simple : get in, Thyme searches the dining area, Kavin searches the garbage bins out back, then get out. They have 5 minutes to search and if they come up empty handed, they leave accepting their fate. Spending too long in Olga's premises was unnecessary suicide.

Olga's guards weren't on high alert. They noticed that even during the party. Olga's cover as artist-party girl must be so effective that the guards seldom had anything to guard against. Right now, for example, they were simply smoking and playing a calm game of cards.

They barely notice two figures slip past them and into the house.

Inside was much trickier as there were corners with CCTV. Thankfully, none of them were in the kitchen. Nothing important to steal from the refrigerators.

Once the cameras have been avoided and they were safely hidden inside the food pantry, Kavin motions that it's time for them to part ways. Thyme gives a small nod and silently walks towards the dining room while Kavin slips out towards the dirty kitchen in search for last night's garbage.

Kavin's watch is set for five minutes. Not that he needed it. Luck was on their side tonight. Kavin noticed a heap beside the trash cans that seemed to be discarded decor from the party. Shiny plastic snowflakes lay there with some broken balls, golden strings and a bunch of disposable silver napkin rings. And among them a noticeable smaller circle.
Found it!
Wordlessly, he slips it on his middle finger, ensuring a snug fit. He sees Thyme exiting in his direction.
Kavin points to his hand and gives a thumbs up. Thyme nods and returns the signal. Mission accomplished.

They silently skulk towards the back gate, confident that they would be covered by the shrubbery and the large garbage bins. Besides, it was clear that the lone guard stationed here was fast asleep.

Thyme and Kavin were a mere 200 meters away from freedom, it seemed like they would be able to pull this off.

But luck, like everything else, tends to run out.

Two goons suddenly barge in through the back gate. They wake up the sleeping guard with a pull to the arm.

"Nok, wake up. We need to find the Zordi brothers."

"What did those oafs do now? Did they lose more of the boss' drugs?," the man named Nok grumbles as he wipes the sleep from his eyes.

Thyme and Kavin are crouched behind a bin as the conversation happens. Thyme looks at Kavin and mouths "I'll record."

Kavin wanted to stop Thyme from creating any movements but he could not risk an argument. He watches with bated breath as Thyme presses his phone screen. No sound. No light. No indication that any of Olga's men suspected anything. He exhales in relief.

"Are we heading out now?," one of them asks as he lights a cigarette.

"I am waiting for Foei to confirm the coordinates."

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