Before the End: Thyme POV

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There was still much to be done before justice could truly be served.

Trials. Courtrooms. Press conferences.

And of course maneuvering through the bribery and the cover ups - from almost every level of government. From several governments.

It was a circus I have shielded myself from my whole life and yet here I was in the middle of this maelstrom.

The death and destruction was devastating. But at least it brought me back to Kavin.

Sure, I could have done without all the guns and the mind control but I'll take it.

I am Thyme Paramaanantra. The spoiled rich boy who never seemed to be happy with what we had even though he had it all.

And that's because the spoiled rich boy was deep in denial. Shunning the one thing he wanted the most.


From the moment he walked into my gallery. From the moment he turned my way and smiled- those crescent eyes sparkling. Something deep inside me knew.

His arrival lifted the fog that has settled around my life, giving way to the brilliant sun.

I could talk to you for hours about him. Hell, I could talk for hours about the tiny moles that dot his face - tell you all the constellations I could draw with them, all the mathematical equations they invoke that prove his symmetry and his beauty.
I could but I won't.

Because I'd rather spend my time looking at him

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Because I'd rather spend my time looking at him.

He is walking towards me right now, strides slow as he is talking to a couple of fellow detectives. There is stubble on his chin and a shadow underneath his eyes. 48 hour shifts would do that to anyone, even a demigod such as him.

I wait. There is no rush. I could be tasked to spend an eternity tracing him with my eyes and it would be my goddamn pleasure. Although, I have to admit I would like to do the same with my fingers, my palms, my tongue.

But there would be time for that as well.

I didn't want to scare off the man.

It was enough that Kavin loves me.
Enough that he had once let those words slip. Enough that he has shown me time and again how he feels even if he cannot yet say the words.

We have waited years. I could wait some more.

The detectives go their separate ways and finally Kavin glances forward and sees me.

I cannot help but smile.

Kavin's face remains stoic but I see the glint in his eyes and the slight quirk of his lip.

My smile grows wider.

I could wait for Kavin if time is what he needed. I could wait for as long as I could stay by his side.

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