Chapter 20

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Kavin opens his eyes.
He sees someone in a PPE hovering over him. He tries to speak but realizes there's a clear plastic mask over his nose and face. He tries to turn his neck but it sends a searing jolt of pain to his head.
He groans.

"He's awake," the person in the PPE notes.

"Thank fucking god," a familiar voice says from somewhere Kavin can't see.

He blinks his eyes, forcing himself to focus.

And then the image comes roaring into his consciousness.

Thyme falling to his knees as bullets riddle his body.

Kavin sits up, breath ragged. The wires and tubes on him rip out of his skin but he was too crazed to feel any of it.

"Lie the fuck down!" It was Chief Fong with him in the ambulance.

"No time for that. Let me go."

"Go where? Do you even know where you are?"

"Chief please. They killed -no no no. He's gotta be alive. I have to save him please. I need a gun. I have to go."

Kavin knew he sounded manic. He knew his training dictated he be cold as ice in situations such as these. He knew one life was not risking a whole operation.

But Kavin didn't care.

Not when Thyme's life hung in the balance.
A life he desperately needed to not end.

"Kavin. Sit your ass down. Boss has already triangulated their location and a team is already on the way."

"I am going."

"The best are already going."

"I am the best."

"What good would it do to send you? You will bleed out before you even get to Olga. Stop this nonsense Detective."

Sense was the last thing Kavin cared about right now.

"Fong Thanawat fucking let me go or I will jump from this vehicle so help me God."

"Killing yourself won't save him, son."

"Fong please. If it were First wouldn't you go? Wouldn't you risk every goddamn thing?"

Fong massages his brow. "Fucking hell."

- - -

An ambulance was seen speeding through Motorway 7.

It was zigzagging through traffic and going at the seemingly impossible speed of 120kph.

On the driver's seat is Fong Thanawat, face pissed but focused. He will probably regret this decision but who was he to deny Kavin a chance to save Thyme?

Not that he thought there was anyone left to save.

So perhaps this was a revenge mission instead of a rescue one.

No need to tell Kavin that.

Not when the man was strapping himself with every weapon he could carry, ignoring all the aches and pains on his body.

Fong presses on his earpiece. "We are approaching Mount Riesgo in T minus ten."

"Team Alpha is already nearing the base. Coordinates have been sent to you Chief."

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