Chapter 1

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Kavin was almost out of bullets.
But if his count was correct, his enemy should have none.
It would explain why the chase has halted and has turned into hide and seek.
Kavin was in a long and dirty alleyway, he was certain he has got the man cornered. There was nowhere for him to hide especially not from Kavin Kittiyangkul - he had memorized these streets, taken note of every entrance and exit. There was no escape from him. All he had to do was patiently bide his time.
He walks slowly. Listening for any hint of another living soul.

Without warning a blade slashes through the thick smoggy air. Ah, so his enemy had traded his empty barrel for a knife. Blood trickles from Kavin's forearm but he pays it no mind. In one deft movement, he disarms the man and pushes him flat on the ground, keeping him pinned with his knee.

"Give it up Sud. It's the end of the line and you know it."

"Fuck you Kittiyangkul."

"Save the theatrics. All I need to know is where the money's going."

Sud's face was flat on the pavement but he still manages to laugh. "Do you think you scare me? If I talk, the people I work for will blow my brains out."

"You've already failed them, Sud. You're already dead meat. So why not do the right thing before you meet St. Peter?"

"Stop yapping and just take me to prison."

"You won't last a day in there before they find you."

"I don't fucking care anymore."

"Talk to me."

"You said it yourself. I am dead either way. Why would I spend any effort talking to you?"

Kavin shakes his head. "Because unless I put the Kuzentov Family behind bars, your little girl is in danger."

Sud inhales sharply. "What little girl?," he says with a low growl.

"You can lie all you want. But if I found out about your one-year-old do you think a Russian cartel won't?"

Kavin stands up, giving Sud freedom to move. If he flees again, Kavin would have to shoot but he had a feeling he wouldn't have to.

Sud gets up and starts shaking. He fishes out a very misshapen cigarette from his pocket and starts toying with it with his fingers.

Sud looks at Kavin. "Will you keep her safe?"

"You have my word."

"The Kuzentovs have a lot of places they keep their money."

"I am sure. But I need to know how they launder it."

"They have a lot of means too."

"These are bullshit answers, Sud."

"I am a small fry. I barely know anything."

"You're asking for protection but are giving me nothing but lies. Good luck to you and your kid."  Kavin makes a big show of straightening himself up and preparing to walk away.  

"Wait. I do know one thing."

"Tell me."

"A big portion of their money has not been leaving Bangkok soil. Usually, the drug money from there gets rerouted through countries I haven't even heard of. But recently, Thai money is being cleaned in Thailand."

"How do I know this intel is real?"

"The transactions were in Thai and I can read Thai, obviously. Besides, I am sure once you check out the location you can easily find the money trail."

"Tell me the location. I'll have it checked right away."

"It's the -"

A bullet zips from above.
It finds its target with ease, piercing the soft abdomen of Sud. He couldn't even feel shock as he staggered backwards.
It was clear that there was no surviving this encounter.

Kavin brings out his gun and starts looking for any sign of the sniper, ready to shoot.


Kavin looks at the dying man and rushes to his side. Should he radio for help? Can anything still be done to save him?

Sud summons the last of his consciousness. "You promised. My daughter. Safe."

"Yes Sud. I promise. We will protect her."

Sud nods. Closing his eyes. "Gallery Akira," he says softly, strength ebbing away.

"Gallery Akira?"

"All you need is...Akira," Sud says, voice fading away along with his life.

Kavin blinks. Frozen for a millisecond before he calls in for back up and medics.
Before he crouches down and searches through the still warm corpse for any other clues.

Gallery Akira? Did he mean Gallery Akira Paramaanantra? As in Thyme Paramaanantra?

A million memories of high school and college flood through Kavin.

This was going to be  - no word seemed fitting, but Kavin's thoughts settle on one - interesting.

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