Special Chapter: Kavin POV

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The cold shower proved to be an extremely unwise idea.

An open wound, a swimming head, and a burgeoning fever did not mix well with unrelentingly cold water.

But see, this is how I am when Thyme is around. My brain cells abandon me.

I thought six years away from him has made me immune to all his charms. But apparently not. Just like riding bicycles, my whole body has not forgotten how to love Thyme.

Yeah yeah. I said love.

I am dying in the shower. I have no strength left to lie.

Left. Leave.

I really didn't want to leave.
I didn't really want to uproot my life you know?

But my mother was becoming so greedy she was pushing me daily to break Thyme and Gorya up. If he remains single, the more money will go my family's way once Thyme's father dies.

I always always told her that I would rather push all our wealth down an active volcano than to become her evil sidekick. And I meant it. I wasn't going to rob Thyme of love and money just so my mother could afford her 165th Birkin.

Until Thyme proposed to Gorya.
And I got the overwhelming desire to yank them apart.
That's when I knew.
I wasn't just protective of him. Or close to him. Or simply admiring him or proud of him. Or like a brother to him.

I was too far gone once I came to my senses.

So I packed my bags and went.
Two birds, one airplane ticket.
My mom had to stop her shady business dealings (can't do that with a cop son) and Thyme was free to have his happily ever after.

Shut up with that you should have told him bs. If you love someone? Truly love someone? And that someone is already engaged? You back the fuck off. True love is not selfish. Home wreckers are not romantics. Understand? Good.

I am slumped down the cold marble floor now. I see my blood mix with the water and swirl down the drain.

Thyme was probably still looking for antibiotics. My house is big, that would take him ages. I groan, too weak to move or call out.

What an undignified way to go.

If Thyme finds me before I die, I should tell him. Final confession.

Perhaps I am being overly dramatic. I have been shot worse. I have been knifed worse. But this is the first time I have felt this empty.

And I was so cold.
So so cold.

I lean against the bathroom wall, taking deep breaths, trying to keep my eyes open.

But even that was taking too much effort.
My vision swims.
They say your life flashes before you before the end. But all I see are tiny dots of light and the continuous splashing water.

And finally-


His worried face so close to mine.

His cherub lips repeating my name like a prayer. He is saying something else now, this mirage of Thyme before me.

Even in my feverish imagination he is impossibly perfect.

I feel myself ascend.
My body lifting upwards.

I guess this is it. It's been as good a run as any.

I should tell Thyme. Even if he's not real. I should tell him.


"Kavin, hold on okay? I'll get you to bed. I'll call Chief Fong. Don't fight me on this okay?"


"Yes, Vin?"

"I love you."

- - -
I hear voices.

"I'm glad you called when you did."

"I should have called sooner. He really convinced me it was a bad idea."

"We in the force are taught to be overly paranoid. Usually, that works in our favor but this time around I am glad Detective Kittiyangkul had you to take over."

"He's going to be okay, right?"

"The doctors seem to think so."

"Fluids. Antibiotics. Rest. I'll make sure he gets all three."

"You cannot disappear from public eye, son. The auction has to push through if we don't want Olga catching on."

"Of course, Chief. I can do both."

"Call me if you need anything. You still owe me and First that double date."

"Yes sir!"

"Kavin never struck me as the relationship type. I'm glad he found you."

I hear a door close. I hear footsteps in the dark bedroom.

Did this mean I was still alive?

I try to move and realize I am wrapped in a duvet, a comforter, and a weighted blanket. And something was tugging on my left hand - an IV drip.

I feel the footsteps come near me. I pretend to still be fast asleep.

A person sits on the bed and I immediately know it's Thyme. I could smell him - soap, musk, sweat. A distinct blend no perfume could match.

He presses the back of his hand to my cheeks and my forehead. I wanted so much to hold that hand but he takes it away before I could move.

I wondered where he'd go now. Maybe to the other room. Maybe to the kitchen. Maybe back to his gallery to keep up appearances.

Instead he lays down next to me.
And my heart stops mid beat when he circles his arms around my waist.
He pulls me close to his chest, resting his chin on the crook of my neck.

"Please get well, Vin," he whispers in a tone that told me he thinks I couldn't hear him. "Don't scare me like that, please. Please. Please. Please."

He grows quiet for a moment and starts to hum a soft lullaby.

I couldn't help it. I place my hands on top of his, locking him to my waist.

I drift to sleep thinking of only one thing:

I love him and how the fuck will I survive him knowing.

- - -
Author's Note

Sappiness ends here in the meantime.
Back to Olga next chapters.

Thank you to everyone reading! 🤍

6 days til Shooting Star Manila
41 days til BrightWin concert 🤍🤍🤍

I refuse to think about the GMMTV 2023 announcements because it may make me acidic haha

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