Special Chapter 3

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Boss stretches his arms upwards. He turns his neck left and right. The crack and pop of his tired bones are loud and echo throughout his office.

It's been weeks of covert operations. Olga has cut a deal with several justice departments and that has lead to some interesting intel - in other words mountains of work for Boss. He's is used to it by now, of course. But it didn't mean he was immune from the exhaustion. Thank God, this was his last assignment for awhile. Once he clicks this send button, he will be free veg out in front of his couch and watch reruns of Grey's Anatomy. Maybe he can finally get to watching that new Kdrama everyone likes, the one with Attorney Woo? Yes. TV shows with ice cold beer and the unhealthiest chips money could buy. Maybe once he's well rested he could gather the courage to call Apple - the beautiful barista who works near his apartment. He'd have time to take her out to dinner now, right?

Oh. And maybe he could drive to the coast this weekend, visit his mom and his dog. Maybe he could convince her to make his favorite Kaeng Som. Boss' mouth waters at the thought of the sour curry and the tender fish.

He smiles to himself as he loads a game on his phone. He'd clear this level and call a cab. How exciting, he can almost taste the chips on his -

an unmistakable beep echoes through the space. His office phone.

Boss shoulders fall. He should have known a break was too good to be true.

No rest for the wicked. And apparently, neither for tech experts employed by the law.

He reaches for the phone and sees Kavin's name on the screen.

He opens the message, fully expecting a briefing from the detective. He gives it a click.

Boss stills.

He turns his phone to the left then the right.

What the fuck was this?

What was he watching. 

The angle on the video changes.

Realization hits him like a cold bucket of water. He jumps to his feet.

Cats in the alleyways scamper away at the sound of his throaty yell.


God fucking damnit.

He thinks for a moment to flush his phone down the toilet and send a bill to Kavin. Maybe after he cleans his eyes with bleach.

Fucking hell.

Whyyyy do they keep sending him these videos?

Why does he keep having to see Thyme's hip bones.

For godsakes.
- - -

Now what exactly did Boss see on his phone?

The kind author has decided to tell you so that we may join Boss in being - ehem- enraged.

But maybe that's for the next chapter.

Right now, we have to calm Boss down.
And buy him a new phone.

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