Chapter Forty

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It had taken Kol and CeCe a few days to track down all of the ingredients that they would need for CeCe to do the spell.

The Heretic grinned at her husband "so are you ready to get your magic back?"

Kol looked at her with a nod and a look of excitement on his face "hell yeah I'm so ready to be able to practice magic again."

Before she could reply there was a knock on the door and CeCe looked at Kol, "finish putting everything where it needs to be while I see who is at the door."

"Got it, darling." And then he did as she said while the Heretic opened the door and smiled seeing her sister-in-law standing there.

"Hey, Bex what's up?"

She looks rather distressed. "I hate to interrupt whatever it is that you guys are doing but you're going to want to hear this."

CeCe nodded "come on in, I was just looking over a spell. That can wait a little while longer, what happened." The two were in the main area of the apartment now. Kol turned around and leaned against the table while CeCe sat down with Rebekah.

"So I just had a little run-in with the doppelganger and she told me something, and I knew that I had to come straight here and tell you guys, but they are trying to wake Mikael, how they found him I have no idea but they did and I am meeting with Elena at the boarding house in about an hour to try and discourage them from waking him but it's unlikely that she will head my warning but I am going to try."

CeCe rolled her eyes "of course they are, they want to kill Nik." then she smirks "but what they don't know is that if they kill NIk there is a very good chance that all of them are vampires will die as well, because I read up a little in some of Esther's grimoires about the spell she used to turn us and if you kill an Original according to what I read, their entire sireline will die as well that means every single vampire they have turned and every vampire that they turned as turned will die. They don't know that and they also don't know which original sireline sired them."

Rebekah looked at her in surprise "really? Wow, and we don't want them knowing that just yet do we?"

Kol came into the conversation "nope Bex we don't because once they figure it out they will just come after the rest of us and try and kill us leaving whichever line they came alive just so they don't die."

"I'm surprised that you know that Kol."

He smirked at his sister "well I've read all of mother's grimoires over the years as well so yeah I saw the same thing that CeCe did about it."

Rebekah nodded "okay so Lia do you have your homecoming dress yet?"

"No, because I'm not going."

"Lia please you have to come, you can't leave me there with everyone that I can't stand alone, please just go for me?"

CeCe sighed but nodded "fine, Bex, I'll go for you, but I need a dress," then she looked at Kol "and you are being my date."

The blonde original nodded "okay we can go shopping tomorrow, and then I'll tell you all about my meeting with Elena and everything." CeCe nodded in agreement.

"Of course darling," Kol said looking at his wife.

Rebekah sighed "okay I will now leave you two, to whatever spell Lia was looking at, but I will see you in the morning Lia."

"All right see then Bex." and then Rebekah showed herself out, she had a meeting with the doppelganger to get ready for.

After she left CeCe looked at her husband as she walked back over to him and looked over everything, I think everything is ready.... "Let's do this, let's give you, your magic back my love."

Kol grinned at her kissing her on the cheek, and CeCe found the excited look on his face completely adorable. "Let's do this, I'm more than ready."

"All right just take a seat and I will begin." Kol did as he was asked and sat down in the chair. CeCe glanced over the incantation for the spell one more time before she mixed everything together and then started chanting the incantation once she was finished she had Kol drink the mixture that she had mixed while doing the spell.

Kol took the bowl and drank the mixture it burned going down but then it spread through his body and turned from a burning feeling to a warmth that reached his heart and then unlocked his magic which blasted out from him making CeCe grab onto the table to keep her in place while things flew from their places and then it stopped and Kol opened his eyes, he finally felt like the hole inside of him from the absence of his magic was filled.

"You okay my love?"

Kol grinned at her "I feel great... better than I have in a long time... let's test this out." he closed his eyes connecting to his magic which was a feeling that he had missed and then opened his eyes again as a flame appeared in his hand which is exactly what he was going for. "Well it definitely worked, darling."

The Heretic grinned at him "I'm glad that it worked my love."

Kol looked at her with a giddy grin as he grabbed her face in his hands and kissed her "all because of you, my little witch, you did this... thank you C"

She just shrugged and wrapped her arms around his neck. "And that look on your face right now my love is what makes all of it worth it." He leaned down and kissed her again, making the Heretic smile into the kiss.

Things were finally going great for the two of them, they finally had their other half back, and things were really good between them and now Kol also had his magic back, something that he had wanted back since he lost it. 

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