Chapter Five

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CeCe decided to skip the Comet because she felt like it and you know she also saw it back the last time it was over Mystic Falls. That mixed with her being a little sleep-deprived and temperamental she might just accidentally snap and break her cover and that would not do anybody any good, so yeah skipping the Comet was the right choice.

The Heretic was laying on her bed just staring up at the ceiling thinking just like she's been doing all day pretty much and it just doesn't make sense to her, any of it and she doesn't get why this was happening to her.

Her phone went off breaking her out of her thoughts "Hello?"

There is a chuckle "Well hello to you too CeCe."

She rolled her eyes "what do you want Nik?"

The amusement can clearly be heard in his voice "I was just caking to check in on you."

CeCe rolled her eyes again she really wasn't in the mood to deal with him "Yeah? Well, can you not?"

Klaus paused for a moment but there was still a hint of amusement in his voice "what crawled up your arse?"

CeCe blew out a breath glaring at the ceiling "maybe the fact that someone is trying to reach out to me through these weird-ass dreams that I can't get rid of, and I haven't slept much in two days."

"Is it some kind of witch dream?"

She sighed "I don't know.... if it, is I can't decipher what it means, and you know better than anyone how I get when I don't get enough sleep."

Klaus chuckled "yeah it mostly happens when you and Kol are fighting, and you snapped one of the servant's necks the last time this happened because he kept asking questions and annoyed you."

CeCe rolled her eyes but knew that he had a point that usually is how she gets when she's sleep-deprived. "Exactly and I can't risk doing that here because it would ruin everything."

That caught his attention and piqued his curiosity "Which is what exactly?"

A mischievous grin slipped onto her face even though he couldn't see her "you'll just have to wait and see about that Nik."

The Heretic could practically feel him roll his eyes at her "okay then, I am going to go now, I have things to do."

"Bye Nik." Then she hung up the phone placing it back on her nightstand.

A little while later Bonnie walked into her room "Hey CeCe."

"Hi, Bonnie what's up?"

Bonnie took a seat on the bed "so tell me about this dream you were talking about."

She sat up and sighed looking at the younger girl "okay so it's been happening since about a month before I came to Mystic Falls and there's this voice and it's distorted and pleading for me to help it says "Help me CeCe please help me, let me out" over and over again and with every dream, the voice gets louder and more distorted and last night it was different it was pitch black in the place and it was so loud, louder than it's ever been like whoever this is was right in front of me but I still couldn't see them."

Bonnie smiles at her "did you talk to Grams about it?"

"Yeah, she was up when I woke at 3 this morning, she made tea and I explained it to her"

"What did she tell you?"

"She said it's someone trying to reach out to me and since it's distorted that it's someone from my past, but I have no idea who it could be or why they are choosing me to reach out to."

She smiles "Have you tried to clear the voice up to make it less distorted?"

The Heretic sighed "No, I don't know how to do that." Which of course was a lie, CeCe knew how to make contact if only she had the space and the privacy to do so.

"Oh sorry, I thought maybe you would know... It's late and I'm gonna head to bed but if you need anything don't be afraid to wake me."

CeCe smiled at her "thanks Bon," Bonnie nodded at her and walked out of the room and across the hall to her own room.

The Heretic waited for a bit making sure that Bonnie was asleep before she grabbed the stuff that she would need, she headed down to the kitchen she was ready to find out who had been haunting her dreams for the past seven months... though she was almost certain that it was him.

Shelia walks in about the time that the heretic has everything set up and ready she looks at her "what are you doing?"

"I'm making contact putting an end to these dreams finding out who wants my help and how I can help them."

Sheila nodded giving CeCe an understanding look "where is Bonnie?"

"She's in her room sleeping I waited until I knew she was asleep before even attempting this."

She nodded at the Heretic "all right." Then she sat down in the chair across from CeCe where was standing "let's do this then."

CeCe gives her a surprised look "you want to help?"

Sheila nodded "of course, you're one of us and we take care of our own." CeCe knew that this could very well get bad very soon but if she declined her help that would only make Sheila suspicious, and CeCe couldn't have that, so she nodded at the woman.

"Okay." Then CeCe sat down in the seat across from Sheila, she lit the candles and offered her hands to the other witch, Sheila took them, and they started the spell. After about two minutes of the two witches chanting CeCe could feel it, the presence, so she focused more, and after a few minutes, she heard the voice "CeCe, you actually did it." For the first time since she started having the dreams, the voice was crystal clear and she knew that she was right, that it was him, that had been calling out to her for help in her dreams.

The Heretic opened her eyes and she saw him standing in the room with them, Sheila was staring at him warily she could sense the danger rolling off him, and she could sense his vampirism. The only reason she can't sense CeCe's is that she has it cloaked so that no witch could sense it.

Sheila gave CeCe a questioning look and she knew that this was it... it could either go very well or get very messy, she was hoping it would go well but there was always the chance that it could go sideways.

He looked at CeCe like really looked at her and it felt like he was looking into her soul, and he might as well be with that damn smirk on his face. 

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