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Ron sat at the table of the new house, across from Andy. They had stopped in after breakfast to fix up a few things and before they realized it, it was lunch and Ron had insisted on ordering take out. It felt nice to eat at an actual table.

"So what's the next step of this book process?" Ron asked. Andy looked up from the Chinese food. She furrowed her brows. "I send it off to the editor, they'll send me back notes and I'll tidy it up before it gets published," Andy explained.

Ron tilted his head. "But it's good as is," He muttered. Andy nodded. "I don't want good, I want perfect," Andy told him. Ron glanced up at her, sighing as he slowly shook his head.

Ron looked around the table. He pulled his lip between his teeth. "Whatcha thinking about?" Andy asked. Ron shrugged. "Big table," He muttered. Andy nodded. "Mhmm, you have a big family," She pointed out. Ron smiled, softly. "I guess so, huh?" Ron stared down at his food. "And it'll only get bigger," He muttered, chewing his lip.

"Do you not want it any bigger?" She asked, raising her brow. Ron's head shot up. "It's a bit overwhelming but I want it to," Ron smiled as he shrugged. "I'd like my own family to grow too," He whispered. Andy smiled. "I know but only one more. I only ever planned on having one kid anyways," She whispered. Ron smirked as he looked watched her through his brows.

Andy rolled her eyes. "Okay two more," She whispered. Ron nodded, a smirk still plastered on his face. "Maybe three," Andy hardly whispered. Ron shrugged. "Who knows, perhaps-," Andy glared at him. "Don't push it," She whispered.

Ron chuckled. "I'm kidding, besides we don't need to talk about that, just thinking about the fact that we do have the room," He said, motioning to the house. "I knew you had ulterior motives with how big this house is," She joked.

Ron shrugged. "I just like the extra space. We had hardly enough room growing up," He said. Andy nodded. "Ah, yes and I had more room than I knew what to deal with," She said. Ron smirked. "Opposites really do attract huh?"

Andy looked up at him, shocked. She supposed he was right. Her and Ron didn't really have a lot of things in common. She shifted in her chair. "I never realized how different we were exactly," Andy muttered. Ron shrugged. "We balance each other out," He said. Andy smiled. "You think so?" She asked.

Ron nodded. "Yeah, you're constantly freaking out, I'm extremely chill, all the time. You keep my ego in check-,"

"Ron, I'd say we both have very big egos," Andy whispered. Ron raised his brow. "You think so?" Andy smirked. "Well it's you feeding into me and telling me how good of a cocksucker I am," Andy said with a wink. Ron leaned forward. "Well if praising you is wrong, I don't want to be right,"

Andy chuckled. There was another thing they had in common, most of their turn ons and kinks matched up. It worked really nice and Andy fucking loved every second they shared in the bedroom.

"Stop giving into me," Andy whispered. Ron smirked, leaning forward. "How could I not? I mean just look at you, princess, you act like such a good little slut for me" Ron's eyes darkened as he searched Andy's face. Andy stood up from the table.

"Master bedroom, now," She told him. Ron raised his brow. "There's no bed," He pointed out. Andy looked over her shoulder at him. "No, but there's a wall and a floor and a shower and that jacuzzi bath," She whispered, her voice dropping low.

Ron almost knocked his chair over as he jumped up. He quickly steadied it before walking over to Andy and pulling her into a kiss. Andy wrapped her arms around Ron's neck as she pushed her body against Ron's. Ron pulled away for a millisecond. "Jump," He whispered, pressing his lips back into Andy's.

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