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Andy groaned as she stretched. "Owe," Andy sat up to see Ron holding his nose. Andy giggled. "Sorry, still not used to sharing a bed," She paused. "Sometimes," She added. Ron smiled as he pulled his hand away and pecked Andy's lips.

Andy smiled as she pulled away. "Still not used to that either," She muttered. "In a good or bad way?" Ron asked. Andy forced her eyes open. "Very good way," She whispered.

Ron cupped her cheek. "Yeah, me either," He said in agreement. Andy moved her hand to Ron's knee. "I have to take the kids to school and then finish up my last chapter," She whispered. Ron nodded as he searched her eyes.

"And then I'm free to do whatever," She whispered, her tone implying that whatever indeed did not mean whatever. Ron smirked. "Hmm, I like the sound of sex," He admitted. Andy smirked as she ran her tongue over her teeth. "Me too,"

Ron stood up. "In fact, how about I take the twins to school, pick up some breakfast and run a quick errand while you finish that chapter so we can get there quicker," Ron offered.

Andy smiled as she leaned up, expected another kiss from Ron. "I like the sound of that," She whispered. Ron kissed Andy, roughly before pulling away. "Actually, I retract the breakfast statement, it'll be cold by the time I'm finished with you," Ron said. Andy nodded. "Hmm, donuts," She whispered.

Ron snapped his fingers at her as he quickly left the room, going to wake the twins up. Andy stood up and stretched again. She grabbed a pair of shorts out of her suitcase and slipped them on under Ron's t-shirt. Andy walked out into the living room and over to the desk behind the couch.

She sat down and immediately started typing away. Ten minutes later, Ron was ushering the twins into the living room.

"Alright say goodbye to your mum," Ron told them. "Bye mum,"
"But dad, breakfast," Lyra whined. Ron smiled down at her. "We're getting it on the way. We don't want to be late," Ron told them. Andy had a hard time containing her laughter as Leo looked up at Ron confused. "Dad, it's impossible for us to be late," He told him. Ron tilted his head. "No impossible, just unlikely. Now onward, my munchkins,"

Ron threw the door open and quickly kicked his feet shoes off. Andy wasn't in the living room. Ron tossed the donut box on the counter as he struggled to get his left shoe off.

"Ands, I'm back!" Ron called. "I'm in your room," Ron groaned as he reached down to undo his shoe. He kicked it in the direction of the other shoes and hurried towards his room.

Ron pushed the door open to see Andy sitting in the middle of his bed, reading a book. She was still in his t-shirt and from what Ron could tell, she had taken her shorts off.

Ron smiled at her as he pushed the door shut. "Did you bring back donuts?" Andy asked. Ron nodded as he placed his hand on Andy's ankle. "Yes and you're welcome to eat first but my meal is right here," Ron whispered as he pulled Andy down the bed.

Andy squealed. "Ron, my book," She told him. Ron glanced at her book with dark-eyes. "Read it to me," He whispered. Andy pushed herself up on her elbows as Ron kneeled in front of her. "What?" She asked.

"Read it to me while I eat you out and if you mess up a single word, you don't get to cum," Ron muttered against her skin as he pressed a kiss right above her knee.

Andy reached for the book as she skipped back a few pages, where there was a smut scene. She was going to add her own twist to this. Andy connected her gaze with Ron.

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