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Ron was terrified as he stood across from Andy. She was quiet as she paced in front of him. Ron wasn't sure what was going to happen but the last time one of the twins called someone dad, who wasn't their dad, he wasn't involved in their life anymore.

So Ron was twice as scared, especially because it was obvious that Ron had played along with the twins but could you really blame him?

Andy stopped abruptly and looked up at Ron. She needed to figure out exactly what caused this and if Ron knew without blowing it if he didn't. Andy pressed her hands together and looked up at him.

"Why did that kid think you were my kids' father?" She asked, her voice calm which essentially shocked Ron. Ron drew in a deep breath and held his hands out. "If I explain, you promise not to interrupt me?" He asked. "You promise to let me get everything out?" He asked. Andy sighed and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Sure but i can't make any promises," She said. Ron squeezed his eyes shut. "The other night Lyra asked me to come, she said you were clueless when it came to quidditch. Today we went on the field and one of the kids asked who I was, I was going to say that I was a family friend, which still isn't true but works, and then Lyra cut me off and told them I was her dad," Ron explained.

Andy felt her heart begin to face. He didn't know. "So why didn't you tell them it wasn't true?" Andy asked. Ron shifted. "I think-No, the two girls that rode the bench the entire game, they've been making fun of Lyra for not having a dad," Ron explained.

Andy eyes fluttered closed. She shook her head as she turned around. "She didn't say anything," Andy whispered. Ron shrugged. "Lyra seems independent, she probably wanted to deal with it herself,"

Ron sighed. "I know you don't like that I went along with it but I didn't mind and if it's some ruse we need to continue with, I don't mind," Ron forced a lump in his throat down. "But have you heard Lyra talk about a dad? I get you don't want to tell their father and you have your reasons but," Ron sighed. "I think you should rethink your reasons, at the very least,"

Andy stared at Ron in awe. "Alright, let me put this into perspective for you, Weasley. Imagine someone showing up on your doorstep, someone that you slept with once five years ago and telling you that you're the father of two twins, five years too late," Andy whispered. "Wouldn't you be a little mad?" She asked.

Ron looked over her. "It's because you're scared then? You know what, yes, I'd probably be a little mad if it were me," Ron said. "But being the father of those two?" Ron scoffed. "It would make up for it in a heartbeat. Those kids are amazing and unique, and they deserve to know if their father would be there for them and love them just as much as you do," Ron added.

"Plus, wouldn't you rather him be mad over four lost years with them and nine lost months with you, then ten years? Fifteen years? Eighteen? Or rather him be mad, then the twins in a few years?" Ron asked.

Andy began to chew on her lip, shaking her head. "And if he wants nothing to do with them? You told me that they deserve to know that he cares but what if he doesn't? They don't deserve that. They don't deserve to know that their father doesn't want them after years of wondering," Andy placed her hand on her chest. "I don't deserve to have to pick up those pieces,"

Ron nodded. "And you're right but I don't think anyone could look at those kids and not want to be apart of their life. I hardly know them and just the thought that when this case is over and solved, I won't be able to see them anymore...I don't like to think about it," Ron admitted. "And you're right, they don't deserve that and you don't deserve that but that outcome is better than all the other possible outcomes from not doing anything,"

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