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Andy was running around the flat like a mad man. Ron watched amused as she stomped her foot. "Have you seen my purse?" She asked. Ron smirked. "The one draped across your shoulder?" Andy's brows furrowed as she looked down at it. She let out a groan as she threw her head back.

Ron chuckled. "So do I get to know about this secret project?" He asked. Andy glanced up at him as she dug through her purse. "Later at the reveal," Andy told him. "Oh my Merlin, where is it?" Andy groaned.

Ron sighed as he grabbed the tube of lipstick off the counter. "Ands," He whispered. Andy looked up and gave Ron a soft smile. "Thank you," She whispered. Ron handed her the lipstick and Andy pointed at him.

"The twins need to be picked up at three," She told him. "And then-," Ron leaned forward. "And then the three of us need to be ready by four and meet you and Harry at Grimmauld Place. I know the plan. Lyra is wearing her purple dress and Leo his matching shirt and black pants," Ron muttered.

Andy dropped her hands. "Sorry, I'm just..." Andy trailed off. "Stressing?" Ron asked, raising his brow. He gave her a reassuring smile. "That's perfectly normal,"

Andy smiled. "I have to go. McGonagall is meeting with us for lunch and then we have to meet with the journalist after," Andy told him. Ron chuckled. "I bet Harry told Draco," He said. Andy sighed. "He didn't," She walked over to the door and Ron frowned when he heard it shut.

He slid off his stool and went to walk to the bathroom to start getting ready. The door opened again and Andy walked in. "Forgot something," She muttered. Ron turned towards her, raising his brow. "What? You have your notebook and your pen. I gave you your lip stick and you have your purse. What else could you have possibly forgotten?" Ron asked, a bit snippy that she hadn't kissed him goodbye and only came back because she forgot something.

"My good luck charm," Andy pulled Ron into a kiss. Ron melted into it, wrapping his arm around her waist. He went to deepen the kiss but Andy pulled away. "Ah, Can't ruin the makeup," She told him. Ron smiled as he playfully rolled his eyes. "Go on," He told her.

Andy smiled as she turned around and hurried out of the front door. Ron couldn't help but smile. Her good luck charm.

Ron was sitting on the couch, brushing Lyra's hair when the front door opened. Ron looked up to see Molly and he instantly felt relieved. "Mum, I need you to teach me how to do hair," Ron begged.

"The best I can do is a braid or a ponytail," Ron muttered. Molly chuckled as she walked over to him. She was wearing an emerald green dress. George stepped in after her.

"Need me to teach you how to tie a tie as well?" George asked, raising his brow. Ron resisted the urge to flip him off. "It was one time," Ron muttered. George chuckled as Leo ran over to him.

"Uncle George," He screeched. George smiled as he lifted Leo up and onto his hip. Lyra went to run towards him but Ron wrapped his arm around her. "Nope, you need to get your hair done, missy," Ron told her. Lyra let out a dramatic sigh as she crossed her arms over her chest. Ron picked the brush back up as Molly walked over to the couch.

"Leave the rest of her hair down and just do a braided crown," Molly explained. Ron glanced from his mum to Lyra's hair. "How do I do that?" He asked. Molly rolled her eyes as she took the brush from Ron.

"Come here, dear," She said. Lyra moved over to Molly, letting her do her hair without struggling. Ron scoffed. "You little traitor," He whispered. Lyra smiled up at him innocently.

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