Under Threat

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Still holding Mélanie's phone, Erick took time to report his latest achievement to Ava. Then he smirked at Mélanie and continued, "unless you let our nice driver here filling you up!"

"Sir?" The driver exclaimed in disbelief. His eyes glared.

"With you!" Mélanie screamed, "I want to have it with you! Not with some random guy!" She tried to grab her phone back, but Erick was too strong.

"So, you don't want it?" Erick teased.


"Alright," Erick smirked, "now, where is Arnaud's number?" he mumbled, playing with Mélanie's phone.

"I will not pay your 10%" Mélanie threatened him, her eyes glared.

Erick juat shrugged. "Aha!" he exclaimed, ignoring her words, "This is his number!"

Mélanie glared at her phone. The message containing the video file is ready to be sent to her husband's phone. "Erick!" she barked, then her mimic turned sad, "please ....!" she begged.

"Well?" Erick asked coyly with a large grin.

From the corner of her eyes, Mélanie could see their driver starting at her. His eyes full of lust and hope, she was sure he was also smirking.

"Oh, Erick, I've never done it it other guy," Mélanie whined, "other guy except you!"

"There can always be the first time for everything," Erick commented.

“Forget it!” Mélanie grunted, “I lost my appetite of having you, or anybody, coming inside me!”

Erick shrugged again, “I will send this file, then," he said casually.

Mélanie watched in horror as she saw Wrick's finger tapped the Send button.

A second of silence before Mélanie shrieked at Erick who was looking at her phone. "What do you want!"

Erick looked at Mélanie's squinted eyes. "Oh, I'm just waiting for the file to be sent," he answered, showing the progress bar on the screen. "Its size is too big while the internet connection in this area ...."

"What do you want me to so with him!" Mélanie squealed her question, nodding uqickly at the driver.

The grin on Erick's face grew. "I thought you'd never ask," he responded as he tapped the Cancel button on the phone. "Come, brother!" he asked the driver, "sit here while I drive your taxi!"

The driver went out the taxi and opened the back door. Erick went out and entered the driver seat as the deiver sat at the back next to Mélanie.

"You smell!" she snorted to the driver who looked at her with lustful eyes.

"Sorry, ma'am," he answered."What do you want me to do, sir?" he continued, asked Erick as his eyes explored every inch of her body.

"Sit at the middle of the backseat, please!" Erick commanded.

The driver quickly shifted tward the said position, gently pushing  Mélanie toward the side.

"Now, put your pants down!" instructed Erick.

The driver complied with a grin. His organ spring free.

Mélanie glared in horror at a small drop of liquid glistened at the top of its tip. She shuddered.

"Now, Mél," Erick continued his commands, "sit on his lap and bend your body to the front, will you?"

"Oh, Erick!" she whinned. Tears rolling down her cheeks, "please, don't!"

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