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y/n sat down across from mikey as the two ate their dinner quietly, not uttering a word as they listened in on the cars that were passing by the female's apartment.

why was her boyfriend there? well, it was because they needed to discuss her little stunt that she pulled earlier this afternoon.

"why'd you do that?" mikey broke the silence as he placed down his chopsticks beside his empty bowl- looking up as he stared down the female who was eating her dinner.

"i already told you- i can't just leave my angels behind, mikey."

mikey's black eyes calculated her every move as y/n sighed, finally finishing her dinner as she placed down her chopsticks.

"why can't you just let the angels join in with us?"

"i told you this a year ago- i wanted to form my own group. and i won't just let them go just because my boyfriend told me to."

the two of them had a stare off before y/n's (e/c) eyes broke contact- standing up as she harshly took the plates and walked into the kitchen to wash them.

mikey sighed as he heard the faucet turn on, leaning his head on the piece of furniture
in front of him.

he knew that he had hit a nerve- he always did whenever the two talk about y/n's gang. it's not like he doesn't trust them, no. but lately over the past events that happened- y/n was harmed.

but as mikey thought more about her situation, the (h/c) haired girl was always harmed whenever she was involved with his gang.

his eyes bore into her wall as he reminisced on the times that she was injured under the supervision of his own gang.

the incident with osanai

august third, at the festival

bloody halloween- where the life of her friend was taken away

and then the incident with the black dragons

he was so caught up on everything that was happening inside his gang, that he never noticed just how involved the love of his life was in all of these- and she wasn't even an official member of toman.

mikey realized that he's been the one who let her in harm's way every time she ends up in the operating room- he's the reason why he needed to ask for money from her ex because he can't provide for her himself.

a year ago- when the decay of angels' was formed, the two had an agreement. that y/n were to lead it without his help- but in return whenever they're involved with fights, toman would lend a hand.

that's how it has always been.

the poor blond was so caught up in his thoughts that he failed to notice the (h/c) haired girl creeping up behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist as she leaned her head on his back.

"'m sorry." she apologized, squeezing him a bit as mikey had a small smile on his face.

"what for silly?" he held a hand on her arm as he continued to stare at her wall.

y/n hummed as she buried her face on his back, inhaling his scent as she let out a sigh.

"for walking out on you..."

mikey knew how silly she was, but he couldn't help but tear up as he took her hand that was around his waist and held it- rubbing comforting circles on the back of it.

"i know that you're just concerned about my safety- but please put more trust on me and my girls." she said as she lifted her head up, moving a bit to his side to look up at him.

𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥. - 𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐣𝐢𝐫𝐨 {✓}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon