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Siddharth called Avneet's name twice then he get frustrated and open the door himself.

Maid : what happened bhaiya?

Sid : nothing.

Maid saw Avneet and asked Siddharth who is she?

Sid : she is my colleague, I can't explain you, Shanti didi she is really so annoying for me.

Maid : but what is she doing here, bhaiya?

Sid : long story now you go and made my breakfast ready.

Siddharth went near her to wake her up but she is not in a mood to wake up even she forgotten that where she is.

Sid : hey!! Avneet get up this is already 8:00 a.m. we are getting late for office.

Avu : give me 10 minutes, I am so sleepy right now. (Like a stubborn kid)

Sid : what kind of behaviour is this Avneet look at the time it is 8:00 a.m. get up fast?

Avu : no I will take 10 minutes more.

Sid : you are really so too much, AAvneet,  am going for a shower in 10 minutes I want you to wake up okay.

Avu : hmm. (In a sleepy tone she didn't listen anything from him even she didn't even realise that it is Siddharth)

Siddharth went for a shower.

And almost after 15 minutes he came back to the room because the Wardrobe is here only.

He feel so frustrated when he saw Avneet is still sleeping, she didn't have any effect of Siddharth words on her.

Sid : Avneet... (Shouted)

Avu : what is your problem, I am telling you na. (before she could complete her sentence she open her eyes and realise that she is in front of Siddharth in his room)

And now she remember the last night and whatever happened.

Sid : I am really not able to tolerate all this your reach time is 9:00 a.m. and I want you at office before 9:00 a.m. understood.

With the statement Siddharth left the room and came in the dining room for breakfast.

She followed him.

Avu : I am so sorry sir I forgotten that I am here in your house.

Stay tuned

Annoying Lover - SidneetTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon