Almost one week passed away Siddharth and Avneet didn't have any conversation yet not even met personally.

They noticed each other personally.

It is very obvious that Avneet is impressed from Siddharth because he is boss in this company and he literally handle everything very professionally.

But Siddharth didn't find any impression of Avneet, till now she is not good in her work, that is the first impression but Siddharth know that she is just starting it so, he didn't mind that much.

But yeah he really thinks that someone better deserve this job.

On the 8th day of work,

Siddharth was busy in the meeting today in the conference call to he came late in the office

When the clock is showing 1:00 p.m. the whole office is busy in their work except one.

And the one is Avneet Kaur Nandra who is sleeping with her head down on her desk.

As soon,

Siddharth entered in the office everyone get up to greet their boss.

Avneet is sleeping so she didn't.

And that makes, Siddharth notice her that she is sleeping.

Avneet friends trying to wake her up when Siddharth entered in the work place. But she didn't realize on time where is she!!

Find her sleeping made him so angry on her.

Siddharth : is anybody tell me that what is hell going on in my office? (Angrily).

Siddharth didn't like any kind of carelessness and laziness in the work hours in office.

Tanya (the temporary role, work in Siddharth's office, Avneet's friend) : we are so sorry so give me a minute, I will wake her up.

Siddharth called a manager

Siddharth : who allow her to sleep here in office can't you see that how she is wasting time in office.

Manager apologize.

Tanya : get up Avneet.

But she isn't listening anything.

Stay tuned

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