the investigation of the skull case-2

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Y/N pov
" What misfortune happened here?" Yeon asked the girl. " I don't know", the girl replied looking down .
" You don't know?" Yeon asked.  " This island has changed. The house spirits that guarded the houses and the land spirits all left. So there is nobody to fill me in on what happens in the town ", she said. Lee Yeon folded his arms and asked" since when?" . " Since immediately after the end of Korean war . Something evil came to the island riding a typhoon but I couldn't see it and I was too weak to stop it ", she replied." It must have been very lonely bring all by yourself ", Yeon said." I wanted to leave, but I couldn't because my feet are tied to the tree", she replied looking at the tree. I went up to the tree and touched the rope tied to it and asked" is this why?". " Will you cut that for her?", Yeon asked me.  I smiled and took out a pocket knife from my bag  and cut the rope and untied it from the tree.


Third person pov
A girl in a white traditional dress was throwing a white rope in the sea and it looked like she was calling a spirt. Pyung-hee was sitting and was involved in this ritual.


Y/N pov
" Thank you. I'm free now", she said gratefully. " I don't quite get it, but I'm glad I helped", i said, it did feel good. I looked at her feet it was covered with cuts and i said " by the way, make sure to wear some shoes. Your pretty feet have cuts all over them ". " I see you have a history with these woods", she said . " But it's my first time here", i said smiling yet confused. " Travel north on this island. You'll find your first answer there", she said and then bowed to me . She walked behind the tree and into the bright light disappearing. " She vanished", I said shocked. " You did well", Lee Yeon complimented and then took the rope from my hands and continued " the rope was bound by the prayers and wishes of humans, so only a human could untie it", he threw the rope away. I took out my phone to see which direction pointed north and began walking to that direction.


Third person pov
The ritual was to find pyung-hee's father's body. . Suddenly the lady performing the ritual stopped. " What's wrong?" Pyung-hee asked. " He isn't here. He isn't in the water", the lady replied and then continued " his body returned to shore before his head did".


Y/N pov
We reached a cave .   "Jangsansa cave I've never heard of it before", I mumbled to myself. It's entrance was closed off. " I'm going to grab a bite to eat", Lee Yeon said is he always like this? Wait  " stop", i said to him .He looked confused but stayed in the exact position , I continued " please. Don't move for a sec". " What is it?" He asked but didn't move. " This place seems familiar", I said . I realised and quickly took the photo  out . This is the place in the photo . Lee Yeon came to look at the photo . " This was the place where the photo was taken". " So does Ji ah have ties with this place", Yeon asked. " I Don't know but this is the place where Ji ah's parents met my brother ", I said teary eyed and continued" Ji ah was here too in her mother's womb ". So that's why she had dreams about this place in the orphanage. I walked closer to the cave entrance  why the hell were Ji-ah's parents on this island? Atleast I know my brother came here as a school trip .

I was lost in thoughts with my family picture in my hand. I became so caught up in helping Yeon was sleeping on a mattress on the floor, he commented annoyed " the duvet stinks". It must not have been washed ". " You're the one who was adamant about not going to a nicer inn. It's not like anyone forced you". He looked at me before turning to the other side replying" i have my reasons ".  I kept my photo down and said" just so you know,  my blood group is b+. He turned around towards me and said annoyed " and why must I know this?". " You're a nine tailed fox. Maybe you'll start craving for blood. " I replied. He sat up offended and said " we don't drink that crap ". " Really?" I said innocently. " Heard of vampires?" He asked before he could continue I burst out laughing.

Yeon pov
Her laugh reminded me of the way A eum laughs. I couldn't help myself feeling sad. " Don't laugh especially with that face you have", I said to her. She came near me and asked " what about my face? what?" . I put the blanket on top of her and said " you're ugly that's why.


Third person pov
"Oh my. He went to the island to find this reincarnated girl?" said bok Hye-ja ( owner of the snail bride) . " That's right. He's a romantic although he seems otherwise." Said shin Joo. " They say a fox only mate once in their lives, how Romantic", she said. " As if that's a good thing. You know what that cost him", shin Joo said angrily. " Atleast once in our lives, we come across that one person we want to give our lives to", she said. " I won't ever devote myself to love", shin Joo said angrily.  Bok Hye-ja scoffed , Shin-Joo continued" my goal will be to protect Mr. Lee "." That can also be love", she commented.


Lee Yeon pov
I was standing my arms crossed looking down at y/n sleeping in a uncomfortable looking way. I bent to her level and tried to see if she had the fox bead but of course what was I expecting? I covered her with a blanket and walked outside looking at the sky , rang's and granny's words replaying in my head  about A eum's reincarnation.


Y/N pov
I woke up surprised to see a blanket on me . I looked at the blanket and smiled maybe he didn't hate me.

I walked to where Lee Yeon was sitting with a two old ladies. I went to sit beside him , when he said to them " then speak to her first". I said " show some respect to them". " But she's only 74 which is a baby by my standards ", he commented. " What is it you want to know?" The old women asked eagerly. I took out my notebook while asking" why is everyone keeping their silence about the head?" The old ladies looked down , the old ladies argued who'd tell then they asked me to promise that I won't tell anyone who told me about it and I promise them I won't.
" Well you see, this isn't the first time. That's right! The human head ", one of the ladies said.

" Hey , jae Hwan, it's me", I greeted . " Y/N , you won't believe it", he said. " There really were similar cases? And the victims? , I asked. " Four Jane does", he replied. " When ?" I asked. " The first incident happened in 1954.
?, He replied. " 1954?" I asked. What the hell is happening on this island?
I then saw a man come down hysterically with a hammer in his hand. " Excuse me. Weren't you on the boat with pyung-hee's father ?" I asked . He began running back into the forest , I ran after him but he fell down , I tried to help him but he pushed me to the ground and I injured my shoulder. I shrieked in shock.  He then stood up and screamed " get lost, you ghost!" And was about to hit me , I braced myself for the impact but when I looked up I was shocked to see Lee Yeon standing infront of me. The man behind him looked shocked, Lee Yeon took the hammer from his hand, grabbed him by his neck and was about to him when I shouted " don't kill him". He let the man go . The man ran away.


Third person pov
Lee rang called Yu-ri and said " Yu-ri, there's something I want. " " This place?" " We just opened up" " the Haunted house"

Hey guys!! That's it for today. . I'm really sorry for the late posting of this chapter. If you guys have any questions regarding this story, feel free to ask them.Hope you enjoyed the story so far


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