Chapter 72

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Xie Zeqing thought his ears were wrong and knocked a few more times, but it was still the same situation. In the instance world, all unreasonable situations could be explained by 'ghosts' but this time, Xie Zeqing didn't sense any ghosts.

It wasn't caused by a ghost then... was it Xiao Li himself?

The young man tried to open the door with the evil spirit on his arm but it didn't work. He was finally forced to leave.

Xie Zeqing came to find Xiao Li to 'protect' him, not to share the king crab. Of course, this was an excuse. His real purpose was to tell Xiao Li that the situation on the ship had changed dramatically and how come Xiao Li hadn't noticed yet?

It started with the character Luo Shan returning.

The male reincarnator who specifically approached Luo Shan sent her back and took the opportunity to inquire about the 'divination' situation. "Luo Shan, do you know something about... mysticism?"

Luo Shan didn't dare say something at first. After all, her divination had attracted the ridicule of their companions. However, she was curious about the other side.

The reincarnator saw her eyes and immediately explained, "I saw you with a crystal in your hand, which is rare in modern times. I... also fell the same type of breath from you. I also bumped into ghosts from a young age."

Luo Shan met this type of person for the first time and looked up at the reincarnators. "Really?"

"I lied to you before about what I was doing. I had previously encountered ghosts and there is definitely something on this ship."

"In fact... I did a divination before getting on board and it turned out badly. It showed we were all going to die here." Luo Shan poured out everything in her heart. "I was really scared but they didn't believe me."

"What other details do you have? Have you detected the source of the ghost or a solution?"

"Ah... it is impossible to determine that. It is said that high level psychics can but I'm just an amateur."

"Luo Shan, do you have any other clues?"


The corridor was quiet. The male reincarnator was a bit disappointed but this was also reasonable. Apart from a few worlds, the story characters were often just guides for when the ghost appeared.

He sent Luo Shan to the door and said, "If there is something then find me. I live in A04."

Luo Shan nodded gratefully and went in. Her entire body was a bit sloppy because she was soaked in water. She looked like a drowned rat, causing Enron to shout, "Wow, Luo Shan, did you go swimming? How did you become a mess like this?"

Enron and Zhu Zhu were presently unhappy. He insisted the ghost photo was a prank done by Enron and didn't believe Enron when she explained. The two people almost argued.

Now Enron sang a different tune. "You are so stupid. Now the ship is still sailing. How can you go swimming?"

"Stop exaggerating. It isn't good!"

In the midst of their argument, Luo Shan spoke timidly. "I... I met a ghost."

She made the two people turn to her. "What?"

"Are you joking again?"

Luo Shan explained what happened and finally raised her playing card to show her companion.

Obviously, apart from Enron who had some doubts from last night's ghost photo, the rest of the group didn't believe her at all. They laughed loudly and the one with the biggest reaction was Zhu Zhu. He took out the playing card and placed it on the table. "You say that this thing can protect us? You've brainwashed Enron. Okay, you want to stir up this play?"

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