Chapter 35

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Zhu Yiting analyzed it quickly in his mind and the expression on his face suddenly changed. Unlike his previous fear when encountering a ghost, this time he looked straight at Xiao Li and his pocket.

Xiao Li hadn't noticed and as he pulled out his hand from his pocket, he accidentally swept a gaze over Zhu Yiting and was shocked by the intense star. "Why are you looking at me?"

"I'm looking..." Zhu Yiting pointed at Tan Li in Xiao Li's pocket. "Sherlock, are you also a ghost controller?"

Xiao Li caught the loophole and picked out something from Zhu Yiting's words. "Also?"

Zhu Yiting took two steps, trying to stay away from the corpse on the ground. By this time, he had recovered his normal state and asked Xiao Li, "I might not be a ghost controller but I know that Brother Xia's ghost looks very different from other people."

Xiao Li nodded as a default and didn't continue to pick at the other person's words.

Zhu Yiting didn't know if he should continue to ask. He didn't know much about evil spirits and didn't know if it was a taboo or not. He hesitated and was interrupted by Yong Chun. "Brother Xia is really powerful and your ghosts are also strong. Thank you for saving us."

Yong Chun had started to partner up with Zhu Yiting and the others from the third world. He had become accustomed to Zhu Yiting's plain-speaking style. This fellow had offended many people but he had some abilities. In reality, it was said that he had a bit of a relationship with a ghost controller. In the last world, they had lived to the end thanks to Zhu Yiting's reasoning. At this time, he was afraid that Zhu Yiting would offend Sherlock and immediately stopped the other person from talking. Otherwise, what if the other person became angry and dug holes for them?

Zhu Yiting understood Yong Chun's meaning and wasn't stupid. He directly gave up on asking about the ghost and smiled. "Sherlock, you and your ghost really have a harmonious socialist ghost-human relationship. She looks very cute, very spiritual and looks like she likes you very much. You are truly Sherlock!"

Yong Chun sighed with relief and nodded. "You are really Sherlock!"

Fan Ren followed. "You are Sherlock!"

Their words were filled with emotions. All three of them repeated one sentence and perhaps there was an echo but for a moment, they wiped out the terrible atmosphere brought about by Shi Ye's death.

The Tan Li doll lowered her head and covered her eyes in her pocket. Xiao Li's mouth twitched a bit and he ignored the three people. He adjusted the phone held in Zhu Yiting's hand and directed the phone's light at the body lying on the ground.

It was unknown what Tan Li had done but the original resurrected body had fallen directly to the ground and stopped moving.

Once Xiao Li shut up and white white light of the phone shone on Shi Ye's face, the pupils and mouth of the other side were unobstructed and Zhu Yiting's fear suppressed by Tan Li came up again. He stammered at the dark-haired teenager, "S-Sherlock, what are you looking at? Everyone else ran away. Let's leave early so we don't have to stay here..."

The rest of the timid reincarnators had long escaped when Shi Ye opened the box. Zhu Yiting's group was unlucky and were blocked by Shi Ye, otherwise, they would've already slipped away. How could they study the dead body with Sherlock now?

Xiao Li crouched down and touched Shi Ye's main artery with his hand. Then he pulled down the other person's collar, examined his neck and then examined the eyelids. After all of this, he clapped and stood up.

Zhu Yiting boldly raised his phone a bit higher. He felt that Sherlock's beautiful face had the word 'interesting' written on it. What was interesting about Shi Ye's body?!

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