Chapter 67

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It was night. The cruise ship sailed on the sea and in front of it was an endless sea. It was currently 8 o'clock at night. The bow deck was empty, which could be called a rare sight. In the past, there were always many people who loved to stand on the deck and look at the sea.

It was because today was the first night for passengers on board the ship. There was a grander dance being held inside the East Mermaid for these guests. The centre of the dance hall was a huge turntable with colourful neon lights on top, surrounded by eight pillars covered with feathers and balloons. Outside the turntable was a circle of tables and chairs. Each table had a bottle of red wine and a card folded into a swan.

By the time Xiao Li came out of his room, the dance had already begun. The neon lights changed colours with the dynamic music and for a moment, he was a bit dizzy. The dancers wearing miniskirts danced onstage with the pillars as props.

From time to time, a few balloons would burst to heat up the atmosphere.

Some of the boys in the audience were staring straight at the stage, including Zhu Zhu and the other males who were part of the plot characters group. Zhu Zhu's eyes were fixed on the dancers' thighs and chest as he whistled and excitedly clapped his hands.

Xiao Li stood at the doorway and glanced around. He happened to see Xie Zeqing in a position close to the door. Xie Zeqing was sitting alone at a table. He proudly raised his glass and gestured towards Xiao Li.

Xiao Li hesitated for a moment before walking in Xie Zeqing's direction. Instead of sitting with him, he chose a table next to Xie Zeqing's seat.

Xie Zeqing glanced in his direction. Xie Zeqing was used to being a core figure that people gathered around wherever he went. His natural ghost sensing made his role in the instance world irreplaceable and everyone wanted to hold his thigh. Now Xiao Li acted differently and he was a bit surprised.

However, this person Xiao Li didn't seem to be as simple as he looked. Xie Zeqing thought that he faintly sensed some ghosts from the Xiao family. However, that ghostly atmosphere was sometimes looming and sometimes not present. It must be the atmosphere left behind by the expert behind the Xiao family. Did the expert deliberately protect this Xiao Li? Was Xiao Li the apprentice of a big person?

Xiao Li leaned back in the soft chair and watched the performance of the dancers in front of him. He seemed to not feel anything and picked up the card on the table, gently unfolding it.

The card said: This will be a trip that is unique.

Xiao Li folded the card back to its original state and looked at the plot characters. By this time, the dancers had finished a song and started to take photos with the passengers. The plot characters also moved. Zhu Zhu flew towards the most beautiful dancer and raised his phone. "Can you take a photo with me?"

The dancer looked very sweet. She was mixed-race with a thin waist and long legs. She was taller than Zhu Zhu, meaning she bent down as she made a V sign and took a photo with Zhu Zhu.

"Me too. I want this beautiful person to look at me." Enron squeezed away another man who wanted to be next and came to the dancer's side. The dancer was obviously more enthusiastic with girls than boys. She placed an arm around Enron's shoulder and her face was attached to Enron's face as she took a photo.

"And me-" The last remaining man couldn't wait to rush forward.

"Lu Tang, you won't die if you slow down. You hit me." Enron rubbed her shoulders while complaining.

The girl called Luo Shan stood behind them. She looked out of place compared to her enthusiastic friends. Somehow, Luo Shan had the feeling of being spied on since boarding this cruise ship. The feeling was very light. She looked around but couldn't find anyone peeping at her. In the end, she could only feel she was thinking too much. The plot characters took photos with the dancer one after another and finally invited another guest to take a group photo, satisfying them.

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