Chapter 84

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"Get ready, one two three four, five six seven eight!" The man's voice called out as the music became more exciting. "Two two three four, five six seven eight!"

In the dance room, it wasn't only the dancer who was stunned. Xie Zeqing uttered a cry from his soul. "What the f*k is this thing?"

The phone in Xiao Li's right hand was still playing music. He stepped away from the wall and entered the dance room, saying to the dancer inside, "Freestyle, improvisation. A good dancer should be able to dance to any music."

Luo Dian, "......"

What was this dishonest practice? Asking a ghost to dance? Then she thought about it. Since this dancer adjusted her mood and mentality according to the previous music, the broadcast gymnastics was probably okay...

The dancer in the room looked at Xiao Li's eyes. She seemed to be moved and tentatively began to dance along with the music. This was a song she had never challenged before. She accepted Xiao Li's words, let go and started to dance with her heart.

Xiao Li and the others looked surprised. The dancer was quite professional but it was like a spoof. Once the song ended, Xiao Li clapped. "Your jumps were great!"

The dancer retracted her final action and stood at attention, smiling at her only audience. She had a normal face with her hair tied tightly, coiled behind her back. However, her face was white and she had thick yin energy around her.

The dancer now looked very kind. It seemed that changing the music was the right way to escape, to the relief of the reincarnators.

Xiao Li asked her, "How long have you been practicing your dancing here?"

The dancer raised two hands to show a '10.' It had been 10 years since she died here. She seemed to be the ghost of the dance academy.

Xiao Li thought for a moment. "Do you know about the recent deaths?"

The dancer shook her head.

"Chen Meiyou, do you know this person?" Xiao Li asked the third question.

This time, the dancer nodded. She took a step back. In the empty dance room, she jumped out lightly like a flexible deer. She turned three laps, pressing down on her legs and taking a professional ballet position.

"What does she mean by that? Is she asking you to dance? Xie Zeqing and the others came to Xiao Li's side, Xie Zeqing hitting Xiao Li with his shoulder.

Xiao Li shook his head and speculated after a while, "Chen Meiyou used to practice in the dance room like this?"

The dancer leapt high in the air. She jumped halfway before suddenly making a turning motion, looking at the door. Her dance practice was interrupted as she ran over with open arms to embrace the air. The entire scene was like a pantomime.

"This ghost is really strong..." Xie Zeqing commented.

Xiao Li stated, "She is recreating the scene of Chen Meiyou."

"Chen Meiyou was practicing when someone arrived. It should be someone she is very close to. A boyfriend? In short, she hugged them." Luo Dian observed the dancer's every move.

The dancer loosened her embrace and then her expression showed some panic. Her entire body rose as if the other side suddenly held her up. She waved her hands, wanting the other side to let her down.

Then the other side seemed to really let go. The dancer touched the ground and couldn't stand up firmly. She fell back on the ground. She showed some pain and reached for her ankles, like she had twisted her ankle when she subconsciously stood on tiptoes.

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