Chapter 195

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Xu Jiaheng was obviously out of control when he said this. He sniffed and wiped away the tears that were overflowing down from his eyes. He tried his best to stop his crying but he just cried even louder.

The reincarnators gave him a period of time to calm his emotions while they thought and analyzed Xu Jiaheng's words.

It wasn't until the crying of the little boy in front of him subsided a bit that Wen Wenwen continued, "These things didn't happen for no reason, right? Can you tell us why you met a ghost? What did you do?"

Xu Jiaheng found a handkerchief from his schoolbag and blew his nose. Then he whimpered and exclaimed, "It must be because I broke the rule, it must be!"

"What rule?"

Xu Jiaheng didn't say it immediately. He hesitantly looked at these outsiders in front of him. He seemed to be struggling over whether to tell them the rule here or not. In the end, the fear of his mother's change prevailed.

"It's the rule of our central movie theatre here," he whispered like he was afraid of being heard by others. "When watching a movie, you must be fully focused and not leave the cinema hall. Otherwise, you will attract some bad things."

He Tian was surprised. "The movie theatre?"

"Yes, it is on the left side of the street in front. It is very big and you can see it instantly." Xu Jiaheng pointed it out. "Our extracurricular activity is always going to watch a movie there."

At first, he spoke very cautiously. Then he found that he couldn't take it back and gradually let everything go.

"I heard previously that a senior classmate didn't abide by this rule. He left the room and kissed his girlfriend. He died five days later. This matter was suppressed by the school. I didn't believe it at first but as a result..."

Xu Jiaheng was pale. "It is my turn."

His description of the movie theatre's rule immediately reminded Xiao Li of the restriction of their task. They must never leave the limits of the town or they would die. This was similar to the movie theatre.

Xiao Li didn't speak. Kesia deliberately pretended to be puzzled and asked, "Why is there such a weird rule here? You know, we don't have such regulations in the outside world."

Xu Jiaheng told her, "I don't know. I heard my mother say that her generation is the same. It has always been like this."

The boy looked really confused and he didn't seem to know many things. Kesia also thought about it. If Xu Jiaheng knew the inside story then he wouldn't have broken the rule so easily just to go pee. Just to be safe, she added another question. "Then have you heard of Atlantis?"

Xu Jiaheng was bewildered. "What is that? Can you eat it?"

The reaction was expected and Kesia wasn't disappointed.

Wen Wenwen said, "Forget it if you don't know. Let's return to the topic. What movie did you watch? Do you remember the plot?"

"I remember. The name is 'Peeping' and it is about-" Xu Jiaheng didn't have time to tell the plot when he was interrupted by Xiao Li.

Xiao Li blocked both his ears. "Wait, spoiler warning."

"What?" Wen Wenwen wondered.

Xiao Li kept this posture and stepped back. "In order to avoid spoiling my mood when watching the movie, I refuse spoilers. You should listen first. I will come back after listening."

Wen Wenwen, "???"

No, was this person really going to see it? He saw Xiao Li started retreating three steps away in a posture like he was going to pull out headphones. Therefore, Wen Wenwen couldn't help wondering if he shouldn't listen to the following spoiler.

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