Chapter 180

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Zheng Yi watched Xiao Li with an expression of sadness and pain.

Xiao Li was stared at by him and hesitated before asking, "...What's wrong?"

Zheng Yi scratched his head and looked away. "Then how should we call you in the future?"

......Why was it becoming more and more like a bad situation? What could he be called?

Xiao Li replied, "You can call me whatever you want."

"Oh... then I'll call you Sherlock. I'm used to this."

He had a bit of a psychological barrier to the name Moriarty. It felt like the person he hated for so long turned out to be the person he admired most.

Xiao Li nodded casually.

Tan Li had left Xiao Li's pocket and was hanging from the window sill where the hydrangea was placed. She crouched there and stared deeply into the flowers with an admiring look.

Xiao Li sat on the sofa in the middle while Zheng Yi sat to the left. He glanced at Xiao Li and couldn't help scanning the ancient painting hanging on the wall of the living room. The ancient painting had changed compared to what it looked like in Future Theme Park.

The ancient woman lay under the big tree and the Judge who previously came to Xiao Li's house was lying face down. The stick person that Xiao Li added was shaking its scribbled head with interest, chasing the hand in front of it. The hand that was taken out of the ghost painting had five fingers down and used the fingers as legs as it tried to escape.

Zheng Yi who saw the bizarre skit, "......"

He cleared his throat. "She brought back the ghost hand?"

Xiao Li looked into Zheng Yi's eyes. "Yes."

Zheng Yi weakly stated, "Don't bring everything back with you."

"She likes it so it is fine."

He didn't care much about the ghosts who followed him. They could do whatever they wanted and treat this place as home.

The little black cat briskly jumped onto the sofa, raised his hind legs and scratched his ears. Then he bent his legs and no longer moved.

Zhou Ying in the phone saw there was no call and opened the game again. The Eternal Soul Umbrella that was automatically recovered at the end of the world was placed at the entranceway table like an ordinary umbrella. The little yellow book was spread out on the coffee table.

This house wasn't big and was far from the luxurious Xiao family villa, but it was full of a type of strange warmth. It gave Zheng Yi a strange sense of security. He reached out his hand to rub the head of the little black cat. He just wanted to say something to Xiao Li when he abruptly raised his head. "I almost forgot!"

Xiao Li who had been half-spread out on the sofa like a salted fish, "?"

Zheng Yi pulled out a beautiful invitation from his pocket. "My birthday is next Sunday. Can you come?"

He could've actually asked about Xiao Li's identity on the phone. The reason Zheng Yi came in such a hurry was to give this birthday invitation to Xiao Li, not just confront him. Zheng Yi hadn't wanted to do it but his mother forced him. Finally, Zheng Yi agreed to only invite a few of his best classmates.

Xiao Li didn't answer at first. "I don't like this type of occasion."

"I know, I just want to try it." Zheng Yi grinned. "You really won't think about it? I promised to let you drink the best coffee in Future Theme Park."

Xiao Li was the one he most wanted to spend his birthday with.

Xiao Li glanced at him and reluctantly accepted the birthday invitation. "...Okay."

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