Chapter 73

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Xie Zeqing wanted to keep his mysterious and cold air. After all, a strong person wouldn't ask other people questions and be curious about others. Even so, he couldn't help keeping his upper body still as he asked in a pretend bored and unconcerned manner. "How do you feel now?"

Xiao Li was looking at the wood only to be suddenly asked a question by Xie Zeqing. He couldn't help wondering, "Feel?"

"Just... you're not afraid?"

Xiao Li shook his head. He pulled out the scalpel and cut a small piece of wood from the wooden partition. The degree of bending in the wood chip was very deep and exuded a strong smell of decay.

"Do you still find it exciting?" Xie Zeqing's hands were in his pocket and there was nothing askance on the surface. However, inwardly he was feeling completely different.

Xiao Li honestly admitted it. "A little bit."

"Hey, you really acknowledged it. To tell the truth, is there something wrong with your personality? What is with this excitement?" Xie Zeqing burst out, only to realize that he was too loud. He coughed and lowered his volume, restoring his calm and strong image. "Well, I mean, there is nothing to be excited about."

Xiao Li walked leisurely and threw away the piece of wood in his hand. He touched the side and his hand left a long finger mark on the board. The air smelled bad. It was the smell of decay after something had been soaked for a long time.

"By the way, I previously went to your room to find you but there was no sound. Did you do it?" Xie Zeqing had been silent for a moment before suddenly remembering this matter.

Xiao Li didn't know about this matter but he could roughly guess who did it. He casually nodded and this was counted as a default agreement.

"...How did you do it?" Xie Zeqing whispered.

How to do it? Ask the little yellow book. Xiao Li glanced at him and didn't answer. Xie Zeqing was also just asking casually. Many people didn't want to speak if it was a special item. Seeing that Xiao Li didn't respond, he didn't ask again.

They walked along the dark corridor and saw a closed door. Qi Xiaoxiao carefully pushed open the door. The creaking of the door was accompanied by a scream from the deck. The scream was very loud. It might not be close to them but it seemed to be right next to their ears.

The depressed Luo Shan was the first to recognize the source of the voice and she turned back sharply. "Enron!"

"Something happened upstairs..." The male reincarnator Wei Lige looked up.

Luo Shan subconsciously wanted to run back to see but Wei Lige grabbed her. "If you go back then you will die!"

Qi Xiaoxiao was a senior and had experienced many worlds. She had long been accustomed to life and death and she spoke coldly, "Living or dying was their choice. They missed many chances and everyone should be responsible for themselves."

She took out a flashlight and entered the room.

Meanwhile, on the deck of the ghost ship, Enron couldn't make any other noises after her first scream because a hand covered her mouth. She was leaning against the edge of the boat, looking at the sea below. Her heart had been beating rapidly as she had asked, "What should we do?"

"Perhaps... follow them? There are many people and it should be safer. They seem to have a lot of experience with ghosts." The female of the couple spoke weakly.

Zhu Zhu shook his head and refused. "The more experienced they are, the more suspicious. What if they are the ones who did this? I suspect that we must've inhaled some type of suspicious hallucinogenic gas. If we go down with them, they will knock us out and sell us for money!"

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