Chapter 153

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Zhen Ziqiang was right to be worried. Peng Yue found the blind spot. She covered her chest and asked, "You... went out to wash your clothes in the middle of the night?"

It was also a group washing clothes. Wasn't this as strange as mopping the floor in the middle of the night?

Once she spoke, President Hu's suspicious gaze turned to Xiao Li again and his ass moved in the opposite direction.

Xiao Li explained, "If your clothes are dirty, don't you have to wash them?"

Zhen Ziqiang abandoned logic and followed Xiao Li with a strong smile. "Yes yes, if the clothes are dirty then they need to be washed. Otherwise, we would have nothing to wear tomorrow."

Peng Yue's expression didn't get better. She was still immersed in the fear that Xiao Li's words brought her. She looked at her fingers and asked nervously, "Are your words true? You really saw me here... mopping the floor?"

This time, it was Xiao Tu who nodded vigorously. "It's true. All three of us saw it."

The little girl had her hair in a ponytail and it swayed behind her head.

Peng Yue weakly defended herself. "I really didn't leave my room. You must've been mistaken."

She repeated it many times like she was trying to convince herself.

Xiao Li just hummed and let go of it for her. Zhen Ziqiang still had doubts but seeing Xiao Li like this, he didn't dare continue to ask questions. The thing that followed was a suffocating silence. All the reincarnators looked at each other suspiciously.

Lin Ruo took Peng Yue's hand and calmed her friend with her eyes. She proposed another possibility. "Even if you didn't see incorrectly, it might've been the ghost in the hotel who did it so we will kill each other."

Regardless of whether it was Peng Yue or not, at the very least, she didn't intend to admit it now.

For the sake of mediating, Jiang Linwen had to say, "Yes, we will wait and see. Try not to do anything dangerous in the meantime."

He paused before speaking again. "I still suggest that we stay together at night in the lobby. This way, it will be easier to find the identity of the evil spirit once they start acting. Otherwise, if we continue like this, we will have no way of knowing the evil spirit..."

If they continued to be in separate camps, the only way to see the evil spirit's real body was to stand in the corridor when it was killing someone. However, the danger factor was too great. It would be easy for the evil spirit to temporarily transfer the murder target.

Ye Zeqing hesitated. "However... if we get together, we will be in a crisis as long as the evil spirit does something to the lights. Moreover, it is impossible for the two foreigners to cooperate with us."

Most importantly, what if Jiang Linwen was an evil spirit?

Jiang Linwen stopped talking while opposite him, President Hu fiddled fiercely with his phone. He was hoping that the phone signal would magically appear again. Finally, he kicked the table legs angrily to vent his fear.

The light on the ground reflected his face that was full of panic and irritability.

The muddy and rugged mountain road combined with the heavy rain last night made it impossible to walk down the mountain. They could only stay in this haunted hotel.

Only President Hu knew in his heart how much he wanted to rush out, even if he fell off a cliff or became wet due to heavy rain. He wanted to leave here but he didn't have the bravery and only dared think about it in his heart.

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