Chapter 164

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Forget the plot characters. The rest of the reincarnators present were experienced people but they were all stunned for a moment before showing an incredulous look. How were the words 'looking for a ghost' related to 'poor little fellow?' The latter sounded more like a stray kitten or puppy.

Xiao Li turned and walked directly into the pavilion in front of him. This time, the interior of the pavilion was empty. The monster staying here had entered the neighbour's house and only signs of destruction were left. For example, the cracked floor and smoky walls that continued from the door all the way to the depths covered with mucus.

Xiao Li avoided the mucus and went deeper. In the end, Xiao Li found the light ghost around 10 metres away from where he threw it. The light bulb was a lot dimmer than its original round and shiny appearance.

The shell was a bit sunken and the colour had lost its previous brightness. The saliva marks left on it after it was corroded and stuck it in a corner of the wall. The monster had been so angry when she found out this wasn't her egg that this poor little fellow was 'inserted' into the wall.

This caused Xiao Li to waste some time before he could pull it out of the wall. The light ghost lay weakly in Xiao Li's palm, a faint light flashing. Xiao Li touched the light bulb head with his fingers, gently put it in his pocket and walked out.

He quickly rejoined the others. "Let's go."

Gao Yao and Zhao Yiyan already knew that these people were no ordinary security guards and regarded Xiao Li as an 'expert' so they didn't speak rashly. However, Fu Guangbo and the others were silent as they stared at Xiao Li's bulging pocket.

Xiao Li ignored their gazes and walked to the last exhibition hall. This last hall was very quiet. It was different from the quietness of the previous exhibition halls. This was like a huge library where no one was allowed to make noise.

During the day, Hall R was a special experience that allowed the guests to take photos with various dolls of Future Theme Park. Then at night-

Xiao Li pushed open the door and found that the original photos stuck to the wall were gone and they were replaced with paintings. The hall was very dark. The moonlight outside illuminated a short distance in front of the steps but it couldn't touch the depths at all.

Xiao Li's first reaction was to look in his pocket but the light cough let out a burst of light angrily. He coughed in a guilty manner and took out the light of his phone. Opposite the door was a painting. It was a landscape painting with heavy ink and colours. Night was rendered with a lot of black paint at the top and a few red strokes outlined a building.

The light of the flashlight shone directly on this painting and the glass frame in which it was embedded reflected the shadows of several people. Xiao Li moved closer and recognized the painting.

"This... this painting seems to be... this theme park?" Chen Jinghan examined it carefully for a moment before finally speaking.

Ye Zeqing pointed to the paintings on the left and right. "The two next to it are the exhibition halls we just explored."

Xiao Li replied, "Yes."

He swept over the depths of the hall with his mobile phone and found it was large, much larger than the previous ones. It shouldn't be this large based on when they were standing outside. The corridor here was so deep that the light could only shine on a certain distance. The only thing they could see were the paintings hanging on both sides of the wall.

The surroundings were quiet as if all the sounds had been swallowed up. This caused everyone's breathing to be heard.

"There are no creatures here." Fu Guangbo followed Xiao Li. "It is just a gallery..."

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