Chapter 122

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Just as the reincarnators were sleeping again, the night-shift security guard was reading a book in his office. It happened to be a book on strange stories. After turning a page, he looked up at the clock on the wall. Once it reached a certain point, he closed the book and got up, ready to go on his last patrol.

Just as he was waiting for the elevator in the hall, the security guard scratched his neck and remembered the woman sitting at the front desk. At first, he hypnotized himself by telling himself that perhaps Xiao Xi's child was better and she returned from sick leave, but the manager forgot to tell him. Now that he thought about it, he felt there was something wrong. Xiao Xi's hair was black and straight but it didn't seem as long as that woman...

In addition, the woman's every movement revealed an unspeakable sense of weirdness. Or... he should ask Xiao Xi to make sure. Once the security guard entered the elevator, he took out his mobile phone from his pocket and opened it to Xiao Xi's WeChat. "Xiao Xi, how is your child's illness? Is it okay? Also, did you come to work today?"

He mulled over the words before finally pressing the 'send' button, waiting for the other person's reply. The lights of the elevator hit the security guard's mobile screen. He didn't feel anything strange at first but once the elevator went up two floors, he suddenly opened his eyes like he saw something incredible on the mobile screen.

On the mobile phone screen, a woman's silhouette appeared in the reflection, standing right behind him. The security guard was frozen. When he entered... there was no one else in the elevator. He looked behind him and there was nothing. He pressed against the screen, held up the phone and looked at the screen reflection to see-

The woman was still there. She was wearing a red dress and stood motionless beside the security guard. No...

The security guard immediately thought of something and showed a sense of shock. It wasn't 'incomprehension' but more like 'it's real.' He turned around, throwing himself to one side of the elevator. He held his phone tightly, eyes constantly switching between the phone screen and reality.

However, the woman continued remaining still to the slight relief of the security guard. He just needed to wait for the elevator to open and he could get out! In the expectant eyes of the security guard, the elevator rose to the next floor but as he kept looking up, he saw the female ghost in red appear directly in front of his naked eyes.

It wasn't through the reflection of the phone screen but directly in front of him. The phone slipped from the security guard's hand to the ground. He couldn't even cry out because of her astonishment. He could only watch the female ghost in the elevator head towards him.


The early morning sun shone through the revolving door of the Cavill Hotel, making the two potted plants at the door comfortably stretch their leaves and branches.

It was just that the hotel's staff weren't so comfortable right now. Although the hotel was usually very leisurely at this time and the number of guests would be less than usual times, but it obviously wasn't the same today.

The cause was due to a body being found by a guest in the elevator. One became two, two became three, three became 100 because a guest's high-pitch scream meant many people gathered in front of the elevator before the hotel manager could arrive and give directions.

They were ordinary guests, not to mention reincarnators. Xie Zeqing and the others had appeared as early as the first scream and they were standing outside the crowd.

"What's going on here?" Xie Zeqing found a man standing outside and asked casually. The man looked at Xie Zeqing. Perhaps it was due to his extraordinary bearing but the man didn't get angry with Xie Zeqing's rude behaviour. Instead, he spoke in an exaggerated tone, "A dead body."

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