C. 42

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I have always been a person who takes a lot of time to take decision: I have to value all pros and cons, I have to listen every opinion of the people close to me, I have to weigh consequences and alternatives. There is only one thing in my life in which I have always been the opposite: impulsive, quick, firm, instinctive. It's Maya. From the first day I met her, during that drink, a lot of years ago, part of me has already understood that I would never be able again to stay without her. Every day I spent without her, every fear I sometimes listened to, that makes me more prudent towards her, they just bring me closer the idea that I couldn't live without her. On the wave of this rush, of this deep and unbreakable bond I have with her, I asked her to come living with me. Instead, with us, Viviana and I.

I'm not a very romantic person, I'm not a person who makes great gestures and as time passes, I become more similar to Maya, so I speak less than in the past, taking some of her reticence; vice-versa she became more open and chattier. This means I didn't ask her in a very big and romantic way, it was not an official request, with flowers, dinner and romantic sex. It was natural, just as it was natural for me to realize this wish in my mind, the desire of having her in our house every moment, because it is for me the biggest joy in the world.

It takes some time for Viviana to understand and like the idea of sharing me with another person. Without telling each other, I and Maya tried to be gradual, so it was for me natural create the thought: "why cannot she stay here forever?".

As the months go by our relationship was based on a settled routine, also thanks to the summer. It was the first year of Viviana's kindergarten, so I didn't know what to do at the end of the lessons, how to manage her, and it was the first time I have to lean on another person, for everything. Viviana attended the hospital daycare during all summer, but I didn't want to leave her there all day, so Maya and I settled into a perfect synchrony of "drop off and pick up". When I was in shift during the morning, Viviana came with me to daycare and stayed there all morning, until I was off duty and could take her away with me. Vice-versa if I had to work in the afternoon, and often I had to stay at work until night, Maya left work early, around three pm, just to pick her up from daycare at the hospital and then spent all the afternoon at home with my daughter. Actually, they rarely stayed at home: she took her to the zoo, to the swimming pool, to a science museum for children (that Viviana liked so much that she forced one of us to take her there once a week) or simply to the park. Also, Maya took care of my daughter during the rare nights I had to work or during the weekends. This routine was useful for my daughter to live a happy summer, for me to learn to be relaxed and to let go my obsession to have always everything under control and it was helpful for Maya and Viviana to cement their relationship. Over time Viviana begins to make less jealousy scenes and begins to look for Maya also during the evening, avoiding to always put herself between me and Maya in the bed, every time Maya decided to sleep at our house.

Also, my relationship with Maya grew up even more: during all these joints devoted to Viviana's wellness, we always had at least one lunch together during the week, just for the two of us, and mainly we lived each other intensely during the weekends, especially the ones in which I didn't had to work. With the help of my brother, we also spent a night at the sea only me and her and it was one of the most beautiful moments of our history, even if one of the simplest and most banal.

I fell in love with Maya every day even more because of the little things, the homemade pizza, the cuddles in front of the tv on the couch, the good morning kisses, the good night texts as a couple of teenagers when we were not together, the brioches for breakfast in the morning. I feel in love with Maya's way of speaking with my daughter and Maya's way of always staring at me, with her beautiful eyes only for me. I fell in love, again and even more, because of her soft way of loving me, caressing me, kissing me, that in a second could become a rush of passion and possession, when she understands that I need to be wanted and taken with some force and violence.

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