C. 19

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Despite all the jealousies and arrows that fly silently between me and Maya, I can say that this is one of the best New Year's Eve of my life: there are my closest friends, there is my girlfriend and we are having fun, dancing, sweating, drinking, eating and playing. I could not ask for better and for this reason a part of me tries to take with philosophy also all the jokes, the long muzzles and the silences of Maya. After all, I am the first who lives in a constant and everlasting jealousy towards her, so I cannot ask her anything different, not even tonight. For example, she has set herself that Amelia can't wait to take me to bed and although I continue to deny, I can't help but think of all the jokes that my colleague often makes to me: I have always taken them as a game, a provocation, because she often described me as a "little saint". Maybe if I had fallen into her provocations something would have happened, but Amelia is an extraordinary friend and it's the only way I want to continue to describe her. The truth is then that I also like the exchanges of jealousy with Maya, because so far they have never resulted superficial: it is a way in the end also to continue to provoke us, but always with irony and attention to the other. A part of me can only imagine the embarrassment that Maya feels to participate in these sexual games, when she hides such an important part of herself from almost half of those present.

After the seven-minute in paradise shifts come to an end, during which Maya was rather on the sidelines, getting lost at one point in chatting with Amelia's friend and causing me several chills of jealousy, no one seems yet willing to put an end to the long night that took us until four and beyond in the morning. It is Antonio now who proposes to play with truth or dares, but in pairs: there will therefore be dares to be fulfilled in pairs and truths that will always concern the participants two by two. This time Maya appears slightly calmer and more participatory, perhaps aware that whatever comes out will still have to face it together. We sit in a circle, on the floor, in the middle of my living room, but at least Maya and I have our backs leaning against the wall. I still have a glass of wine in my hand, while she has stopped drinking for a long time, except if provided for by the game, and I sit very close to her, resting my head on her shoulder. While the others organize, Maya leaves me a kiss on the head, making me smile and get closer to her. She picks up a blanket that is not far from us and throws it on her legs, going to cover even part of mine, very uncovered by the short dress I wear. I get lost looking at her profile: she is beautiful, but above all I am proud of her and her growth. By now I have learned to grasp every little sign of discomfort or annoyance and already before midnight I realized that it bothered her not to be completely free in her intimate part. When she goes out with me she no longer wears anything containing and just the other day she confided to me that she feels freer even in everyday life, from shopping to work, so she often simply wears boxers under her pants and nothing else, leaving herself freer, but still feeling more comfortable. I am proud that before in the bathroom she took off what contained her, but it fills me with tenderness to see that she feels uncomfortable enough to have to cover herself with the blanket, even if you do not see absolutely nothing, at least that one does not fix his gaze there or at least that, like me, you do not know very well what is underneath and you do not dream of seeing it as soon as possible.

The first round of this new game passes quite unscathed for everyone, Maya specifically had to tell the first time she wanted to kiss me, the first night as she said. Already in the second round the situation begins to heat up with Vittoria making a striptease for her boyfriend and Antonio inventing a hot story starring Cristiano. When Amelia asks me the question, I think I can get by, at least it's a truth and I just have to talk, but when I'm about to open my mouth, I realize that I'm in great difficulty: I have to tell something that Maya does to me in bed and makes me feel like no other partner has ever made me feel before. I look into her eyes and I realize that she is completely embarrassed, she is all red and in fact I am too. So I decide to fall back for something more romantic, although it is still the truth and I talk about the way Maya seems to undress me with her eyes every time. They complain that it is not a valid enough answer, but Andrea takes the reins and keeps the game going. When in the third round Maya has to lick the cream from my neck, I feel that the situation could begin to get out of hand: I realize that she does it, her warm tongue moves as always wise on me, but with her hands on my hips she keeps me rather far from her body. As the shifts pass it seems to become more and more a challenge to put us in difficulty: we drink so as not to tell our first time, I admit that the previous New Year' Eve I had sex with my ex, while she says she was with an unknown person who does not even remember. We drink again to avoid undressing each other, but we kiss with our tongues in front of everyone for three minutes, even as Maya continues to keep me away from her body and continues to hide herself more and more under the blanket. The situation among others, in particular between Matteo and Vittoria and between Antonio and Cristiano has now warmed up so much, that fortunately they shift the center of attention a little from us.

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