C. 35 - M's

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Being next to Carina after having her physically again is a Chinese torture. At the same time, staying away from her is now practically impossible for me. After that day, four days ago, in which we loved each other several times and in all possible forms, giving free rein to both our desires, but also to our feelings, we slept together once again, before seeing each other again this morning. I must admit that I went to sleep at her house because I could no longer tolerate the distance from her body. It's a completely different thing that happens to me than when we were together years ago. Of course, in the long run I had begun to miss her, years ago, also because otherwise I would never have imagined that I could dream and fantasize about a house to share with her, but in the days when we did not see each other I could tolerate nostalgia much better than now. Now I feel physically sick if I don't see her, if I can't hug her, if I can't talk to her looking into her eyes. So, I practically invited myself to her house for dinner, much to Viviana's delight. As soon as the little girl fell asleep, we spent a simple, but wonderful evening, hugging on the sofa watching a movie between kisses. It was natural, luckily, earning what I wanted, I mean sleep in the same bed. As I predicted, Carina still has a bit of hesitation in letting go completely, because during the night, even if the kisses were more than fiery and even if she was more than sticky to me, she feared that Viviana could wake up at any moment and find us in compromising positions in bed, or even naked. It was much easier to tolerate this fear of hers, because in the morning, after taking Vivi to kindergarten, Carina returned home and rewarded me with an excellent double sex session, first in bed and then in the shower. Here, if I think back to sex in the shower, to me who own her from behind, with Carina leaning on the tiles with her hands while screaming my name and I clutching her breasts from behind, pushing hard inside her, I begin to feel droplets of sweat forming on my forehead.

The fact is that now it's not the ideal situation for this, considered that we are in the car, Carina is driving, I'm in the passenger seat and Vivi is in the back safe in her car seat, towards Federica's house, to celebrate Carina's birthday. Luckily, it's a sunny day, so we can wear our swimsuit under the clothes, and we hope to spend a lovely day sunbathing and maybe swimming. During the route towards her friends' house, nearby Roma, Carina gave me yet another summary of the relational and socioeconomic conditions of all her friends, in the recent years.

In particular, today there will be the hosts, Federica and Leonardo, with their little Mattia born two years ago; there will be Andrea, without Riccardo, but with Stefano, who will also bring my friend Vittoria with them; there will be Amelia, Giorgia and her little girl and Antonio, who even if he no longer works with them has remained a good friend of all. Carina actually told me that when she became pregnant with Viviana, he was one of the first to know, as she obviously sought support and affection, but they ended up arguing quite tensely, because Antonio insisted that he had to look for me and give me the opportunity to choose. Obviously, I can't pretend not to feel a thrill of satisfaction to know that her friend was on my side, while I regret the fact that Carina, in an already difficult moment for her, has found herself even without a friend. Today there will also be a new friend of Carina, whom I still do not know, who works with her in the Gyn department, arrived at the hospital when she was on leave to have Viviana: her name is Letizia and today she will attend together with Paola and their child, Rebecca, just one year old. The fact that the group is quite small prevents me from having too much anxiety, but on the other hand both the presence of new people, and the fact of having to see old acquaintances, makes me stay a little alert.

M < wait, I don't understand... does this new friend of yours, Letizia, with her girlfriend adopted a baby?>

C < no, it's complicated. Letizia's girlfriend did an insemination abroad and now they are fighting to have recognized Leti's parental role here...>

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