C. 27 M's

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I really loved all your theories and now we are a step closer the truth.. enjoy it!Thank you, again. 

I had to insist more than I expected, but finally Andrea told me the truth about her relationship with Carina, which since I woke up from the coma I realized was anything but roses and flowers. The problem is that I am now completely unarmed and speechless in the face of that truth. After a day of rest to be able to settle at Andrea's house, which in hindsight was useless, because last night I returned to my home, today I am on the second day of physiotherapy. The new doctor, Alice, who I like, has a different method, is not hard and gruff and the fact that she is a woman makes me less ashamed, although having a patient woman with a penis between her legs is perhaps a more unique than rare experience. I still find it hard to believe that these hours of physiotherapy can serve anything, but everyone continues to say that I need it and in the end I let myself be convinced. If this really means returning as soon as possible to normality, to my work and to an independent life, I am willing to do even twelve hours in a row.

For now, however, we do sessions of about two hours, including massages, postural exercises and other types of exercises. Actually at the end of the two hours I am more than exhausted, so I must admit that I would not be able to do more. The pact with Andrea was that Riccardo would accompany me every morning, at 10 am, to my appointment and then shortly after twelve Andrea would come to pick me up, taking advantage of her lunch break, to eat with me, before taking me home.

For me staying at home alone is still very difficult, I cannot get up from the wheelchair alone and I cannot move with crutches for now: the only thing I can do is stay still on the sofa or bed, from which I can then drag myself on the wheelchair. I am sorry to have to stay at Andrea's house and I am sorry to be a burden in general, but it seems, as mentioned, that this alliance of aid ended much earlier than expected.

Yesterday afternoon we had a heavy fight with Andrea, which lasted all evening and during the night I shouted at her my decision to break away from her. This morning Riccardo took me to the hospital anyway, then I wrote a message to Andrea telling her that from after the session onwards I would have managed on my own. Actually, I'm not alone: practically during the night I asked Carina to be able to see me today for lunch and she accepted and I hope that then later she can give me a ride to my house. And it is from the middle of the physiotherapy session that I am crying like a child, while the poor Alice tries to understand if she can do something about it, if it is something related to the accident, to the pain or if it is a personal fact. Even now that I'm out here in front of Carina's office, waiting for her to free herself for lunch, I can't stop crying.

For two days now I have been insisting in an uninterrupted way to get the truth from Andrea.

M < I want to know what happened with Carina!> Andrea raises her eyes to the sky, while picking up from the floor some games of Stefano, his son, who has just fallen asleep.

A < nothing happened, I already told you!>

M < then why do you both want to be there for me only when the other is not present?> I insist and she grimaces.

A < does she want to be there for you after four years?> I shrug my shoulders.

M < what does it mean? It's not that I spent four years struggling for her and you know it very well ..!> also because the nights when I got drunk and despaired for not having her with me anymore, although still quite recent, I was careful to spend them all in total solitude.

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