C. 14

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The weekend in Naples was definitely a step forward in our relationship, in every possible and imaginable meaning. We both let ourselves go more on a confidence level and on a physical level. We were much more intimate than I could have imagined that Maya would allow me. On the way back from Naples I was so happy, that in the end I told everything to Antonio, during a dinner at my house: I told him the whole truth about Maya and her condition, getting from Antonio, as I actually imagined, advice and comments completely free from prejudice. I felt good to be able to talk about it with someone more freely, feeling finally understood.

With Maya there were intense phone calls and a flood of messages during the week. We saw each other only on Wednesday afternoon, because I was left on foot by my car that was no longer working and Maya rushed to my help, coming to pick me up a few meters from home, where the car had abandoned me, to take me to the hospital, since I had to start the shift. For the first time I could share a problem with someone: it seems stupid, but it is exhausting to never have anyone to refer to every time a small hitch of everyday life happens, whether it is a key that breaks in the lock, the car that does not start, the delay in the bill, the quarrel with the neighbor, the problem in the bank or the problem at work. I have missed to death, since I was twenty years old, to have someone I can rely on, someone with whom I can be vulnerable, without feeling judged and being able to let go, even to the tears of hysteria. Even with Rosaria I had never had this type of relationship, since she loudly proclaimed the importance of lightness and I do not have this relationship even with my brother, because between the two I have always been the one to take care of him and I struggle to accept the idea of being able to call him for a favor, rather I get away with it as always alone.

When the car left me on the street suddenly it was natural to call Maya, even though I knew she was at work. Just as it was spontaneous to burst into tears as soon as she came to my rescue, about twenty minutes later, to be able to take me to the hospital and above all to be able to take care of the car and the tow truck to take her to the electrician. And it was so familiar to let me go into her arms, without feeling judged, nor criticized for the small extent of the problem. So I ended up continuing to cry even during the shift, causing the good-natured teasing of my colleague.

Today is Friday and tonight we will meet again, but above all we have a whole weekend to spend together because I am free from every shift and availability. While I have to admit that I have a bit of anxiety about how things will unfold between us, I really can't wait to hug her and be with her, in whatever form she will allow me to be close to her. I almost faint from amazement when leaving the hospital with Amelia, who had guaranteed me a ride home today, since the car is still being repaired, I find Maya in front of me.

M < hello!> she exclaims, smiling, offering me a flower. I already feel two tears go down my cheeks, while Amelia, next to me, makes, as usually, her sarcastic comments, that are part of her personality.

Maya smiles politely at her, then approaches me and looks at me as if asking for permission to approach. I nod imperceptibly and Maya rests her lips on mine, greeting me again.

C < what do you do here?>

M < surprise..!> she says and talks to me my colleague. < I'm Maya, nice to meet you..>

C < yeah, sorry. Amy, she's Maya, Maya, she's Amelia, one of my colleague and friends...>

A < finally I can meet you! I almost thought you were only a Carina's erotic fantasy!>

C < Amelia!! Stop it!> I exclaim, elbowing her, but luckily Mata laughs.

M < no, it seems I really exist..> while they exchange two more jokes, I realize that I am enchanted to observe Maya: I enjoy the vision of her beauty, of her lips, but above all I am convinced that under the horse of the wide pants she wears she has nothing that holds her back, if not a pair of boxers.

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