C. 17

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Ciao to all my readers! 


In the last three weeks the relationship between me and Maya has grown in a serene and mature way, despite the scarce possibilities of spending time together. I have worked practically every weekend and during the week it is increasingly difficult to coincide my days off with Maya's working hours. It's something I've suffered from, because I like to spend time with her, especially doing the most simple things you can imagine: cooking a dinner together, watching a movie hugging on the sofa, shopping, going to the cinema, walking in the park. However, we tried to make the most of the time we had available and in conclusion I can say that I am really happy. We have a good overall balance between phone chats, the words we tell each other when we are physically together, physical contact and sex. If I had to find a perfect recipe for a love story maybe it would be this one we have now: not too much of everything and not too little.

Tonight is finally Saturday and finally I am resting both today and tomorrow, so that we can spend time together. This morning Maya worked, in the afternoon I wanted to dedicate time to my brother and so we carved out our space for dinner out. After dinner we will go to a pub where we have an appointment with my friends, whom Maya has not yet met so officially. She has already met both Antonio and Amelia and once in passing also Giorgia, as well as she once attended a video call with Federica, but in fact I have never made the official presentations. Tonight then there will be the four already mentioned, Amelia's partner, Eleonora and her husband, or Amelia's brother, and Federica's boyfriend, who is actually presented to the group for the first time too. The invitation was also extended to Andrea and Riccardo, Maya's friends, who may join us later. I am excited by this new step forward in our relationship, but above all I am excited by the dinner that Maya and I are about to have. It doesn't happen to us as often as at the beginning to come to dinner at the restaurant and I took the opportunity to dress elegantly. Since I left the front door, Maya does nothing but take her eyes off me, making me blush at times, sometimes laughing. On the way by car we chat lightly and then Maya takes me by the hand, guiding me inside the restaurant. A waiter welcomes us immediately and directs us to our table, but on the way to reach it something already dampens my good mood.

< hello, you..!> a blonde woman exclaims surprised: she is at the table with ad older man, definitely older. She obviously talk to Maya and she emphasizes the interaction by grabbing her hand, and then making it slip away, in a delicate and above all intimate gesture. I hear Maya reciprocate the greeting and ask her what she is doing here. The other woman laughs a little rudely saying that of course she is at dinner and then throws her judgmental eyes on me. Instinctively I get closer to Maya, almost to mark the territory.

< can I call you later?> the blondie asks Maya, after a few more jokes.

M < I will call you, ok?> Maya closes the conversation, making a nod to the man at the table, who like me has remained silent. I watch her from head to toe as Maya practically drags me to our table. As soon as we sit down I realize that the atmosphere inside me has cooled down and that I am now in a very bad mood. I try not to point it out too much though and rather close myself in an icy silence.

M < is everything ok?> Maya asks me after the waiter takes our orders. I sigh and od, before I decide that it's not right, for me neither for her, that I have to stay quiet.

C < who was that woman?> I ask and Maya barely smiles.

M < who?> she asks, pretending to be a fool and making me even more nervous.

C < you know very well whom I'm talking about...>

M < are you jealous?> she asks, immediately playing her cards very badly.

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