C. 24 M's POV

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Thank you so much for the readings, votes and comments. Some of you maybe expected Carina to be pregnant, instead... some time has passed. 
I hope you enjoy it.
Happy reading!

Four years later.


I hear voices around me coming softs to my ears, but every now and then there are louder, almost frightening noises. There is an underlying buzz that never leaves me. There's such a strong light that I can't open my eyes. I feel my mouth burning, I'm thirsty, but I can't react.

I try to open my eyes, to move, to raise a hand to call someone, but I can't. I am immobile. I don't know where I am, but I'm still and mute. It seems to me that someone touches me, I would like to open my eyes to understand who he is, what they are doing to me, but I can't. I'm cold, I feel naked, I would like to cover myself. I would like my mom. I feel lonely, the light that blinded me has been extinguished for a while, but the background buzz has not.

Now that there are no more voices around me, I notice all the other noises. There is a fan spinning, there is something, maybe a machine, that makes a sharp and continuous sound. Whenever I can be lucid enough to think, this sound increases in frequency, it becomes almost alarming. Maybe it's my heartbeat? I wonder suddenly and alarmed. I try to raise my eyelids, but I can't. I'm always cold. I don't know how much time has passed, how many different voices have alternated, how many different hands have touched me. I'm always cold.

I would like to cry desperately, no one can understand me: I would like to say something, I would like to make myself understood, I want to communicate, but I can't. I almost give up, even if the voices around me do not stop making me believe that those around me are not giving up. But where are they? And who are the voices around me? Why can't I see them? Why can't I hear them clearly? Why don't I recognize them? Why don't I recognize myself?

I would really like to open my eyes, I know it would be the fastest way to communicate, but they are so heavy that I can't make it. And then there's this white light so strong that it prevents me from trying. I think I understood that I am in a hospital, but if I think about it, without having the opportunity to really control I only get anxiety and then I think I am on a beach. I have always hated the sea, because I did not want to be seen in swimsuit by anyone, now I dream of being under the sun of the Maldives, on a white beach, with palm trees around us.

US. When I think of us, I realize that I think so because I'm not alone in the room. I perceive a presence, a scent. This scent reminds me of something, but I struggle to understand what. I strive to recognize a voice, but no one speaks, there is only a low, sobbing noise: someone who is here and is crying! I focus again on the scent and suddenly that we in the Maldives takes on the appearance of a face, a body, a wonderful body, brown hair in the wind, a laugh. Suddenly I really want to be able to open my eyes, my mouth, my hands to finally understand where they are and understand especially if that perfume is really of that body or if it is just the last damn joke of my fantasy.

I try to control my breathing, I try to meditate, even if I have never been able, and then I try to aim at all possible and imaginable efforts, indeed even unimaginable ones, on opening my eyes. And finally I do. Finally I succeed. I need to blink several times to be able to really see and I also realize that I can't move too much. The lights have been turned down, finally! And my peripheral vision still works great! Now I'm sure those noises come from monitors I'm attached to. I'm really in a hospital, but what happened to me I don't know, I don't remember. But I remember that all the effort I made was to see if that perfume belonged to that body.

I can just rotate my face and now I have the doubt of having ended up in Paradise, because that scent is really hers. Carina is here, next to me, and she's crying. I try to open my mouth to call her, but I can't, in fact I feel the machines go crazy. I'm confused, I don't know what's going on, until Carina raises her face, just as confused and plants her eyes in mine. They have a calming effect on me, for a moment. I close my eyes for a moment, because I would really like to strive to communicate and I succeed, because I hear my voice, even if I no longer recognize it, whispering the word "cold".

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