Chapter XXXlll

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Today is the day of Jacks physical at man city. He is meant to be there at 9 this morning because they told him they were going to show him their grounds and training facilities. We both woke up beside each other this morning. It's something we haven't done in a while and it was the best feeling in the world. We both had to be out the house at the same time so we decided to get up and get dressed for the day ahead.

"So this is my bathroom" I said opening the door and looking at the mess I left on the vanity yesterday.

Jack laughed. "Messy like always" I rolled my eyes.
"If you need anything give me a shout, do you need anything else?" I asked.

"No this is perfect thank you" he said. I smiled and left the room. I then went to use the guest bathroom instead. I showered and washed my hair I then got dry, put on my business clothes since I have meetings all day, I did my makeup and hair and went downstairs to feed buddy. He barked when he saw me coming downstairs. I let him out to the garden so he could do his business. As soon as I did I got a FaceTime call from Mia.

"Hey what's up" I said confused because I never receive calls of Mia.

"Nothing I just wanted to see how it was going with Jack". Of course she does.

"It's okay"

"Seriously Grace that's all I get"

"Well I don't know what else to say. He is staying in my house for a next week and a half. He gets on with my dog he is still great in bed"


"Shush, he is only upstairs he might be able to hear you"

"Sorry, but, how was it?"

"Different" I shrugged my shoulders.

"A good different or a bad different"

"I.....I don't know, good I think"

"What do you mean you think?"

"I don't know it was just different, it was fucking hot and like, you know it was needed. But we aren't officially back together i don't know where we stand"

"Then ask him"

"No that's too scary for me thanks"

"Don't be a pussy"

"I'm not. I just don't know what he wants"

"Well what do you want?"

"I want to start where we left off we were ready to move in together I was ready to marry him and I still am"

"Grace for one of the smartest people I know you can be so stupid. Look, just ask him to move in with you it makes sense he is moving to Manchester and he needs a place to stay and then boom your back together" as soon as she finishes her sentence I hear a creek in the floorboard upstairs.

"I gotta got I think he is coming downstairs the stairs I will call you on my way to my first meeting" I say and hang up the phone. And as expected Jack comes downstairs the stairs.

"Who was on the phone?" He asked.

"Just Mia" I shrugged. "Are you excited for your physical?" I asked putting buddy's food on the floor.

"More nervous than excited" he said moving towards me.

"You will be amazing you always are" I said as Jack leaned in to kiss me. His lips were against mine,again. It was a slow kiss not one that I enjoyed though. All I felt was confusion. I am so confused about what we are. I'm confused because i don't know what he wants us to be. I am confused because i don't know if I should ask him to move in with me or not. When we broke away I moved towards the cereal cupboard and grabbed a box and poured it into a bowl.

"How about I take you out to dinner tonight?" He asked while I poured milk onto my cereal.

"I don't know Jack I have a lot of work to do"

"Come on it will be like old time" that sentence broke my heart a little. Does he want it to be like old time or does he want it to be better than that?

"Okay fine why not, I mean it could be fun"

"Okay so what time?" He asked.

"Well my last meeting should finish at 6 so 7:30?"

"Sound, I will book the table"

"Where are we eating exactly?"

"It's a secret" he said, I laughed. We both finished our breakfast so I called buddy in from the garden so he could eat his food. Jack offered to wash up, like he always used to, I accepted so I went to brush my teeth while he did so. When I went back down the stairs with my bag and laptop in hand. I made me and Jack some tea to take away with us. Jake ran down the stairs with his bag on his shoulder. I handed him his tea he said thank you and we left the house hand in hand.

"Good luck Jack text me if you need anything, oh and here is the other key to my house, you will probably be back before I am" I said looking at him and handing him the key.

"I will my love, have a good day at work I will text you to tell you how it's going" he said taking the key out my hand a giving my lips a quick kiss before we both head to our cars. I got into my car and put my bags on the seat, connected my phone to the car and drove off. As I pulled off the driveway I decided to call Mia back. Before I did Jack gave me a little wave before speeding off.

I hit the call button under Mia's name.
"I wondered if you were going to call me back" she said. "So does he know how you feel?" She ask.

"He still has no idea" I laughed slightly at Jack cluelessness. "We are going out to dinner tonight though, he suggested that we should"

"See that's a good thing, it means he wants things back to the way they were"

"No it doesn't"

"Grace when are you going to wake up and see that this man is still desperately in love with you and wants to marry you sooner rather than later" she huffed at my lack of awareness to what is right in front of me.

Maybe she is right. Maybe he is still in love with me. But can he really be that in love with me if I broke him into millions of pieces.

God I wish he knew how I felt.


Hi guys,
Sorry for the lack of updates. I am clearly not very good at updating recently.
Thank you so much for 20k reads on the story. It means so much to me and I can't thank you all enough.

Aliyah :)

My brother's best friend- Jack Grealish Where stories live. Discover now