Chapter lll

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Chapter lll

I woke up in an unfamiliar room with no recollection of how I got there. My headache hit me like a sack of bricks and I squinted my eyes shut to try and ease the pain of my hangover. When I finally plucked up the courage, I opened my eyes again and they immediately went to the bedside table in search for my phone. Luckily it was there, plugged in and fully charged an sigh of relief escaped my lips. I flipped the covers off me and to my surprise I wasn't in my dress I was in an oversized T-shirt I looked around in search of a person but I couldn't find a soul. I noticed that I was in what looked like a hotel room which surprised me. I must have have gone home with some random guy and got laid or something.

I sat on the edge of the bed with me head in my hands trying to remember the events of last night. I remember doing shoots with Ben and Mia after Mason and Freya left, I remember Mia and Ben leaving me to dance and then me and Jack saw them on the dance floor kissing and then they left, I remember Jack and me dancing to.....OMG JACK KISSED ME AND I KISSED BACK!!!! HOW COULD I LET THAT HAPPEN!!! I was snapped out of my thoughts by hearing the bathroom door unlock, I watched as the man known as Jack Grealish walked out of the bathroom with just a white towel covering the lower half of his body, his hair was wet and messy telling me he had just got out of the shower. My gaze moved from his hair to his body my eyes widened at the realization of how toned his abs were I always knew Jack was fit he was a footballer after all but wow I didn't expect that at all.

He gave me an innocent smile and said "Morning Chilwell". I wondered how he could act so chill after what happened last night and if he even remember what happened last night but of course he did he was supposed to take me home but then again I am not at home I am in a hotel room. "I hope you don't mind but I bought you back to my hotel room because I couldn't find your key and you fell asleep on the sofa and I didn't want to wake you, you had a lot to drink" he laughed slightly.

"No that is completely fine and thanks for the shirt" I thanked as I pointed to the shit I was wearing.

"No problem it is least I could do I didn't think it would be comfortable to sleep in a dress" he said while buttoning up his shirt and then looked for some jeans.

"So about last night" As soon as I said those words his head snapped around to me and he looked me dead in the eyes. His eye looked like they were full of hope and that made it even worse because now I was about 60% sure he had some sort of feeling towards me and I didn't want to say that we couldn't do it again but that is the right thing to do. "I am sorry Jack it can't happen again". His face immediately fell "Its just if my brother found out he would freak out and I can't do that to him your his best friend and he said from the very beginning that nothing can happen between us and I promised him that nothing would". I didn't want to hurt Jack but nothing could happen. Ever.

"It's ok, I get it you don't want to lose your brother I am ok with that" he said with hurt in his voice. I feel really bad.

"Thank you for understanding" before Jack had time to respond my phone began to ring. I picked it up to see it was my brother speak of the devil. I pressed the accept button and put the phone up to my ear and said "Hey bro what's up?"
"You forgot didn't you" he said with a slight annoyed tone.
"Forgot what?" I asked genuinely confused.
"We are having lunch with the family at 1 remember the big family get together!"
"SHIT I'm sorry I completely forgot, you and Mia make your way there I will catch up I promise"
"Ok but you know mom isn't going to be happy because your late and especially because she said bring a date and you haven't got one"
"You don't have to remind me I will be about an hour please say sorry that I am late"
"Will do, see ya sis"
"See ya" I sighed and put down the my phone.

"What's up?" Jack asked in a curious tone.

"I am meant to go to a family gathering in 10 minutes I forgot about it so now I need to go home and get ready and then drive there" I said picking up my dress and putting it on forgetting that Jack was actually in the room.

"I don't mind taking you I am on my way back to Birmingham anyway so it shouldn't be a problem" he said with that same hopefully look as last time.

"Omg Jack you are a lifesaver" I said and gave him a hug.

"It's no problem really" he hugged me back and then gave me a huge smile. "Well I will go and pack my bag and then we can check out" I nodded in response and put my shoes on forgetting that they were heels yet they still don't make me anywhere near Jacks height.

After a few minutes of me scrolling on my phone Jack appeared with his suitcase in his right hand. "You ready to go darling?" He said still using that nickname.

"Born ready" I replied with a cheeky grin as he opened the door and we left the hotel room.

A bit of a shit chapter but it is one of those chapters you have to get past to get to the good ones hope you don't mind. Also don't forget to comment and vote :)

My brother's best friend- Jack Grealish Where stories live. Discover now