Chapter XVlll

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Chapter XVlll

Today is the day that Ben comes over and to be quiet honestly I am shitting myself. One because Jack is still living at the house two because I don't know what he is going to say and three what happens if I bump into him. Jack went back to training today and to see his face before he left made me really happy. He has been in such a good mood these past few days because they told him he can go back to training we went for his check up in the middle of the week they said his ankle has pretty much almost healed which is amazing. He is allowed to drive, do spots and he doesn't have to ice or elevate his ankle anymore which is amazing. He can play in matches in a week so he's very excited about that. I am currently waiting for him to get back from training but on a Saturday he finishes later so I am trying to keep myself occupied until he gets back. Mia said Ben is coming at 6 so me Freya and Jack are going to go out with T so they can have alone time or whatever I don't really care I just don't really want to be in the house when he is there.

I do some washing and I vacuum the kitchen and the living room and tidy the whole of the downstairs area and before I know it Jack is walking through the front door.

"Honey I'm home!" Jack calls coming through the front door. I laugh at his silliness.

"I'm in the kitchen!" I call back. I hear footsteps making their way towards where I am.

"Wow when you said you were going to clean your really meant it" Jack says getting a drink from the fridge.

"Yep I like to get things was training?" I ask.

"It was good everyone was happy to see me. I just desperately need a shower and to get this stupid ankle brace off" he says with a huff.

"Don't diss the ankle brace that is the only thing letting you even play football at the minute" I try to make a point.

"I know darling" he says coming up behind me and hugging me from behind. "But it's so annoying it's just there you know and it's really tight and it hurts" he says burying his face into my neck.

"I know bubba but the physio said it would be like this for the first couple of weeks" I say finishing cleaning the kitchen. I then turn to face Jack.
"Are you crying?" I asks.

"No no I am fine" he says looking sad.

"What's up. I don't want to push you but I am here if you need to talk" I say with a sympathetic look.

"It's just I feel like I am going to be benched while I wear the brace because it shows weakness and I don't want that because I have to wear the stupid thing for 5 months and it's all my fault" He says with tears in his eyes.

"No, Jack this isn't your fault at all it Ben's and you know that so stop blaming yourself because there is no way anyone saw this coming and if anything the brace shows how strong you are, I mean after two weeks you were off your crutches the doctor said a month and you proved them wrong. They also said that you wouldn't be able to play for six weeks again you proved them wrong you went back to training today and I bet you that you won't need to wear that brace for as long as they said either so to me you are the strongest person I know" I say trying to comfort him while i wipe away his tears. He then hugs me and buries his head back into my neck. We then stay here hugging for a while.

"Thank you Grace I really am truly the luckiest man in the world to have you. You make everything ten times better." He says and my heart melts at his words.

"It's ok I honestly can say the same for you I don't know what I would do with out go and get a shower because we need to leave in an hour" I say.

My brother's best friend- Jack Grealish Where stories live. Discover now